“Intelligent manufacturing goes overseas” Zhongke Chuangda joins hands with Amazon Cloud Technology to accelerate the globalization of smart hardware brands


On March 29, the 2024 Amazon Cloud Technology Overseas Globalization Thousand People Forum with the theme of “Borderless Toward New Intelligent Chain Globalization” was held grandly in Shenzhen. Thunderstar was invited to attend and showcase its intelligent cloud solutions based on Amazon Cloud Technology. Relying on Amazon Cloud Technology’s global infrastructure and feature-rich services, Thunderstar can quickly build a one-stop solution for smart hardware companies that meets the needs of target markets and is reliable and easy-to-use smart cloud platforms, helping brands achieve rapid globalization change.

Facing the increasingly fierce competition in the domestic market, it has become an inevitable trend for enterprises to “go overseas”. In order to solve the multiple challenges faced by enterprises when going overseas, such as localization, safety compliance, operation and maintenance services, etc., Thunderstar has launched “intelligent manufacturing overseas” solutions for different categories, including intelligent robot solutions and intelligent power tools. solutions, fleet management solutions, etc., providing comprehensive assistance and guarantee for enterprises to go overseas. Joining hands with Amazon Cloud Technology will further enhance the reliability, stability and security of Thundercloud’s smart cloud solutions, and provide smart hardware companies with better localized services and professional technical support.

The picture shows the smart device APP interface

The “Intelligent Manufacturing Overseas” solution is a set of mature solutions based on a deep understanding of vertical industries and the accumulation of functional modularity. It can quickly meet common needs in industries such as robots and power tools, such as equipment connection. Management, data compliance operations, service migration, etc., significantly reducing deployment and maintenance costs. A cloud platform that adopts a customized development model requires designing and developing software from scratch, which requires a long cycle and high costs. Although it can be developed completely according to the needs of customers, it is difficult to meet the specific needs and standards in the industry without an in-depth understanding of the industry. In contrast, the “Intelligent Manufacturing Overseas” solution can shorten the development and deployment cycle of cloud platforms by 50%, while ensuring that the platform has extensive proven stability and reliability, significantly shortening the product launch cycle, and accelerating the development of intelligent hardware products. Provide assistance for internationalization.

As the world’s leading provider of intelligent operating systems and end-side intelligent products and technologies, Thunderstar has profound full-stack technology accumulation and global delivery capabilities, and has become the preferred partner for overseas enterprises. Amazon Cloud Technology is the world’s leading cloud computing service provider, with extensive industry resources and global market influence. At present, intelligent cloud platform solutions based on Amazon Cloud Technology have been adopted by many intelligent hardware companies, including robots, power tools, smart homes, smart wearables, smart cars and other fields.

Looking forward to the future, Thunderstar will continue to join hands with Amazon Cloud Technology to accelerate the globalization of smart hardware companies and enhance the product competitiveness of overseas companies through continuous innovation and empowerment.


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