In Australia, food magazine editor-in-chief chooses Fisher & Paykel Living


On April 1, local time, Lorene, the editor-in-chief of Melbourne Food Magazine, posted a food making video on her personal social media. In the short 2-minute video, in addition to the exquisite cooking life, Fisher & Paykel electrical appliances are also seen many times.

Lorene lives in Toorak, the richest district in Melbourne. The villa covers an area of ​​about 300 square meters. It is surrounded by convenient transportation and rich educational resources. The house is mainly decorated in a simple French style. The kitchen design is mainly in black and white. The refrigerator, dishwasher and oven placed inside have a stylish appearance and built-in design, which enhances the quality of the entire decoration.

As the editor-in-chief of a food magazine, Lorene not only likes to explore different restaurant cuisines, but also likes to cook an exquisite meal for herself and her family in her spare time, enjoying the happiness and sense of accomplishment in life. In order to ensure the taste of delicious food, Lorene has high requirements on the freshness of ingredients and cooking methods. Fisher & Paykel refrigerators are equipped with an intelligent temperature and humidity control system, which can independently adjust the internal temperature and humidity to provide the best fresh storage environment for vegetables and meat. The oven is equipped with leading technology to lock in the moisture of steaks, lamb chops and other foods, retaining food nutrients to the greatest extent, which meets her cooking needs.

Lorene is usually busy with work. In order to present the best food to readers, she often reads different food magazines and sometimes researches new recipes herself. Cooking delicious food is Lorene’s job and hobby, but cleaning the dishes often gives her a headache. Doing it yourself is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and she worries that ordinary dishwashers will not clean the dishes properly. Fisher & Paykel dishwashers have an automatic washing program selection function that can intelligently sense the number of dishes and stain levels, automatically adjust the washing intensity and water consumption, and eliminate 99.9% of bacteria. While reducing the burden of housework, it also brings peace of mind to her. Here comes the cleansing experience of health and wisdom.

Lorene is just a microcosm of Fisher & Paykel’s global users. As the world’s top luxury home appliance brand, Fisher & Paykel iterates and innovates designs based on user needs, becoming a common choice for thousands of ultra-high-end families. Complete sets of Fisher & Paykel electrical appliances can be found in many well-known buildings around the world, such as the home of the famous designer Amelia in Melbourne, the Windsor Street terrace in Sydney, and the beach house on Waiheke Island.

It is understood that Fisher & Paykel has entered more than 50 countries and regions around the world. In 2023, Fisher & Paykel will fully focus on the Chinese market, and luxury lifestyle centers will be launched in Shanghai, Xiamen, Dalian, Chengdu and other cities, bringing a “natural, free and comfortable” social kitchen experience to Chinese users. In the future, Fisher & Paykel will also take root in users, continue to provide ultra-high-end users with better life solutions, and provide a model for the market leadership of global ultra-high-end home appliance brands.



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