“Flying Life and Love” is scheduled for February 28th, Hu Xianxu and Wang Yanlin are hilarious in the racing circle of dreams


The racing-themed urban comedy “Flying Life and Love”, directed by Yi Yiyi and written by Xu ??, was officially announced today and will be broadcast exclusively on Youku from February 28. The first trailer, group portrait posters and single posters were simultaneously released, starring Hu Xianxu and Wang Yanlin, starring Yu Entai, Yan Hexiang, Qu Zheming, Chen Yuxian, Zhao Haohong, Li Jiahao, Zhou Zixin, and special starring Kan Qingzi, Wang Yinglu, Sun Tianyu, Zhou Tie, Yu Xiaolei, friendly stars Qin Xiaoxian, Zhang Xiaoqian, Gao Huayang, Huang Tingting, Luo Zekai and other members gathered to perform a passionate racing legend.

  Hu Xianxu, Wang Yanlin continue the journey of endless love and dream pursuit, fantasy elements are superimposed with comedy style to interpret a new legend

“Flying Life and Love” tells the story of Zhang Chi (played by Wang Yanlin) who was seriously injured after flying off the track. He accidentally awakened in the body of 21-year-old Lin Zhendong (played by Hu Xianxu) and tried every means to prevent his 24-year-old self from making the same mistake again. . Lin Zhendong has both 21-year-old “aboriginal” Lin Zhendong and 24-year-old “foreigner” Zhang Chi in his body. The fantasy setting of “one body and two souls” adds more highlights to the plot and makes the story more interesting. In addition to continuing the main line of passionate young people chasing dreams of racing, it also adds a strong comedy style, which will bring a new viewing experience to the audience.

The first trailer for “Flying Life and Love” is here. Zhang Chi found himself “rereading the files” and embarked on a dream-chasing journey about courage, wisdom, determination, freedom and dreams. When Lin Zhendong said, “Federation will no longer be a small team in the future,” when the partners’ hands folded together, and when the words “I want to change my life against the will of heaven” were shouted out, the audience seemed to be able to see the hearts of the young people. He is high-spirited and excited by the surging love of the dream-chasing journey.

Also exposed along with the trailer are group portrait posters and single posters. The former is full of story-telling, with Hu Xianxu and Wang Yanlin standing on the car in racing uniforms, holding the championship trophy in their hands, with the flag of the Speedway team waving in the wind behind them. Yu Entai stood angrily with his hands on his hips, and his team obviously did not take the lead. Yan Hexiang, Qu Zheming, Chen Yuxian, Kan Qingzi, Wang Yinglu, Sun Tianyu and others were standing or squatting, with joy and support on their faces. The single poster uses the track as the background, and is embellished with elements such as steering wheels, racing gloves, medals, etc., which metaphors the experiences of the characters in the play and is unique.

  An inspirational story that continues the excitement of competitive sports and persistent dreams. The gold medal team protects and strives for excellence.

The movie “Flying Life 2” is currently in theaters during the Spring Festival, with a box office of 2.6 billion surpassing its predecessor, proving the market appeal of this story about passion, dreams, and racing. As a web drama derived from the same IP, “Flying Life and Love” still chooses to focus the story on racing, continuing the passion of competitive sports, the race against time in rally racing, and the inspirational comeback of persistent dreams. The play uses racing as an entry point to convey the diverse values ​​of young people’s passion, persistence in pursuing dreams, and sportsmanship, creating a picture of passionate young people chasing dreams and making a comeback against the wind.

The director of “Flying Life and Love” has directed such fine works as “The Street of Souls” and “The Master” in November, and is particularly good at shaping characters and conveying passionate emotions. The screenwriter Xu ?? has created works such as “Mama is Like a Flower”, “Dear Princess Disease”, “The Spring Breeze Is Not as Good as You” and other works, and is very comfortable in promoting storylines and comedic narratives. As can be seen from the trailer, this drama continues the creative team’s previous creative style of passion and lightness, which includes both the unremitting pursuit of dreams and hilarious comedic presentation. The interaction and chemistry between Hu Xianxu, Wang Yanlin, Yu Entai, Yan Hexiang, Qu Zheming, Chen Yuxian, Zhao Haohong, Li Jiahao, Zhou Zixin and many other powerful actors are beginning to emerge, leading the audience to once again experience a hearty racing legend.

Comeback again, hilarious comeback! “Flying Life and Love” is jointly produced by Youku, Alibaba Pictures Shisui Studio, and Shanghai Tingdong Pictures Co., Ltd., directed by Yiyiyi, written by Xu ??, vice president of Alibaba Pictures, Shisui Studio, Ku Yang Entertainment general manager Zhang Wenli serves as the chief producer. From 18:00 on February 28, the drama will be broadcast exclusively on Youku, so stay tuned.


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