


It’s the Lunar New Year again. This year is the third Lunar New Year we have spent amid the COVID-19 pandemic. I have 3 wishes for this year’s New Year.

1. The end of the new crown epidemic

It has been three years since the new crown virus has been raging around the world, and we are at a crossroads of the epidemic; the epidemic seems to be over, but it has not yet seen the end. The World Health Organization predicted that this summer may declare the official end of the epidemic, but the Chinese government suddenly changed course and abandoned the zero-clearing policy, and the number of confirmed cases suddenly increased sharply.

This situation has also aroused the concern of the World Health Organization. I am afraid that the sharp increase in patients will give the new coronavirus an opportunity to mutate and lead to the emergence of super viruses. If this unfortunate event really happens, then the people of the world may be kicked back to square one! Therefore, we still need to be more vigilant and not completely relax; but I really hope that the WHO can officially draw an end to the new crown epidemic in the new year.

2. Everyone can live a healthier life

We all know that health is wealth, but as a doctor, I found that many of us did not properly invest and manage the greatest wealth in life, and regretted it only when we were about to go bankrupt (after suffering a serious illness).

According to data from medical research, our people are the laziest people in the world. Only less than 50% of the people develop the habit of regular exercise (at least three times a week, 30 minutes each time); no wonder our people are also the most obese among Asian countries!

Although we are still thinner than people in European and American countries, our unhealthy lifestyle allows us to “keep pace” with them in time, and even surpass them. These unhealthy living trends have caused the number of people in our country to suffer from “civilized diseases” (diabetes, high blood pressure and myocardial infarction) to increase steadily, so I hope everyone can start to move more in the new year. The amount of exercise is good for health; the most important thing is to persevere and make long-term investment for health and wealth.

Last month, I participated in the Penang Bridge Race, which has been suspended for two years. I was very excited to see so many people running enthusiastically in the light rain. Let us continue to work hard and slowly move towards health run down!

Are we ready for a new peach to replace the old talisman?

3. Cathay Minan Malaysia

Frankly speaking, I am quite pessimistic about the future of the country. Our country has become beyond recognition under the shameless destruction of politicians! Our society is becoming more racially and religiously extreme; our economy is deteriorating, and our people’s lives are becoming more difficult.

But politicians still ignore the suffering of the people and only focus on enriching their own pockets. We have fallen behind many countries in terms of politics and economy. If the national leaders are still unwilling to review and cheer up, our future will be even more unimaginable!

Our country has just gone through a vigorous national election, and the Prime Minister officially appeared after some turbulent waves. I hope that Prime Minister Anwar can stabilize the political economy and make our country peaceful and peaceful; I also hope that the people of all ethnic groups can understand each other, tolerate each other, and be of one mind development of the country together.

As I write this, I think of the poem “Yuan Ri” written by Wang Anshi, a poet and politician in the Northern Song Dynasty: “The sound of firecrackers marks the end of the year, and the spring breeze brings warmth into Tusu. Thousands of households always exchange new peaches for old ones.” Wang Anshi wrote this poem in the year when he took office as prime minister and started political and social reforms. He has just been promoted to prime minister, and he hopes that his reforms will be implemented smoothly. Therefore, he hopes that he can bring a new look to the Song Dynasty with the metaphor of exchanging new peaches for old symbols.

We are also looking forward to “new peaches for old symbols”!

(Guangming Daily/Doctor Column‧Author: Wu Rongliang)


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