“Changfengdu” starts airing tonight. Come and watch Bai Jingting and Song Yi sweetly sprinkle sugar on Jiangsu Satellite TV.



May I be like the long wind, carrying you thousands of miles. Tonight, “Changfeng Du” directed by Yin Tao, starring Bai Jingting and Song Yi, with Liu Xueyi as a special star, Zhang Haowei as a special guest star, and Zhang Rui and Zhao Ziqi as special stars, will be broadcast at Jiangsu Satellite TV’s Happiness Theater. The play tells the story of Gu Jiusi (played by Bai Jingting) and Liu Yuru (played by Song Yi) who got married by accident and continued to grow together while getting along. “The work depicts a magnificent era through the love and personal destiny of Gu Jiusi and Liu Yuru. There is love, friendship, family affection, personal growth, and the righteousness of family and country,” said director Yin Tao.

I am glad that enemies will never get to know each other without fighting.

The characters are full and three-dimensional

What is the best love? In “Changfeng Crossing”, Gu Jiusi and Liu Yuru will tell you: the best love is a two-way love that grows with each other. In the play, they are two “parallel lines” that have no intersection at all – one is a playboy who has been pampered by his parents since he was a child and spends all his time doing nothing; the other, although born into a wealthy family, has special circumstances at home and has to prepare for the consequences. Being bullied. The two people’s life situations are very different, but because of a “misplaced” marriage, the original life trajectory was broken, creating a space for each other’s complementary growth.

Bai Jingting

Thus, a costume version of the “Metamorphosis” of the male and female protagonists immediately began. In this marriage relationship, they not only found each other, but also found themselves, achieving a perfect emotional closed loop. “This is the first time I have cooperated with Bai Jingting and Song Yi. It can be said that they have fulfilled my expectations for the characters very successfully.” Speaking of the leading actors, Yin Tao was full of praise, saying that the two were very attentive in their creation and were very thoughtful about the characters. They also have their own designs.

In addition to the emotional lines between Gu Jiusi and Liu Yuru, “Changfeng Crossing” also constructs an era background for the story, giving the characters an aura of humanity and feelings of family and country. Under this setting, every character in the play has its own distinctive color: the literary and military-minded Ye Shian, who is as gentle as jade; the upright and caring Zhou Ye; the upright and upright Shen Ming who eliminates violence; Jiang Rou, the mistress of the Gu family, Wu Mian, the old lady of the Ye family, and even the villain Luo Zishang are justifiably “bad”, making people hate and pity them all. It can be said that in “Changfengdu”, each character chose a different way of survival due to different outlooks on life, and ultimately had his or her own fateful life ending.

It’s a joke, do you guys take it seriously?

Gu Jiusi and Liu Yuru “got into the wrong sedan chair and married the right man”

In tonight’s episode, ladies from all the families in Zhangzhou city congratulate the old lady of the Ye family on her birthday. Liu Yuru won the appreciation of the old lady with a seemingly ordinary painting. The old lady promised that the Ye family would come to propose marriage in the near future, so as to establish a good relationship between Liu Yuru and Ye Shi’an. Just when Liu Yuru thought she was about to get her wish and marry into the Ye family, Gu Jiusi appeared.

Song Yi

He sneaked into Ye’s house with his friends, only to be kicked out by Liu Yuru and his servants. Gu Jiusi, who ran away in a hurry, was resentful and wanted to humiliate her in public at the rouge shop. The joke “I fell in love with you at first sight, and I will fall in love with you again, and I will never marry anyone other than you in this life.” Not only did the Ye family, who valued reputation very much, find themselves in a dilemma, but it also made Gu Jiusi’s parents take it seriously. Soon, the Gu family came to ask for marriage with betrothal gifts, but Aunt Yue of the Liu family was a person who was unscrupulous. How will Liu Yuru react to this unexpected marriage? What kind of married life will these two people who hate each other start? At 19:30 every night, watch Jiangsu Satellite TV’s Happy Theater “Changfeng Ferry” to watch the ridiculous first encounter story of Bai Jingting and Song Yi.


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