Breaking the circle and co-creating leads to the “tide”, Tianjin Binhai Wuyue Plaza dialogues with the new era of the city


In 2023, Tianjin Binhai Wuyue Plaza will talk to the demands of the new generation of young people with brand-new propositions and logic, and strive to create a new business card of Wuyue City Youth Power Center, making more contributions to promoting regional economic development and upgrading of commercial layout Therefore, in the joy of happiness in June, Tianjin Binhai Wuyue Plaza hopes to share the beauty with more people.

On June 22, Tianjin Binhai Wuyue Plaza will link multiple urban resources to create a young commercial body that breaks the barriers of the dimension, thus creating the “Joyful Port World Carnival” and the carnival will open on the street soon! During the event, there will be music festivals, electronic music parties, and a wealth of young trendy activities will talk to the new generation of the city, and ignite the night vitality of Bincheng with surging sound waves; draw koi, catering, Internet celebrity snacks, and drink freely through the big screen The rich activities invite consumers to “shopping, eating and playing” FUN to enjoy the summer; at the same time, the “Summer ‘Stand’ Interesting Life Festival – Blossom Market” opened. The market is not only equipped with Internet celebrity zebra crossings and dining cars, DIY check-in bouquets, more than 100 merchants’ outdoor streets are open to the sky, full of 360° BUFFs for eating, drinking and playing, and there is a light stage for performances every night, so that the fiery atmosphere can continue and set off a carnival of joy!

The launch of “Joy Gang Tiandi” and “Flower Market” indicates that Seazen Holdings Group Tianjin Binhai Wuyue Plaza will continue to use user thinking, through insights into core user needs, customize access and connection content, match needs, and strive to To create value for users, become a pioneer in exploring in-depth operations in the industry, and consolidate a new chapter in in-depth operation brands. We look forward to Seazen Holdings Group Tianjin Binhai Wuyue Plaza continuing to work together with many parties to achieve win-win performance and investment income, and to jointly paint a bright future for prosperous business!

Seazen Holdings Group Tianjin Binhai Wuyue Plaza

Seazen Holdings Group Tianjin Binhai Wuyue Plaza

Seazen Holdings Group Tianjin Binhai Wuyue Plaza

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