Running in the sun and shining back? Sunshine Insurance has escorted the “Silk Road” Ningxia for five consecutive years? Yinchuan Marathon


On May 21st, the long-awaited 2023 “Silk Road” Ningxia·Yinchuan Marathon kicked off. 25,000 runners from all over the world gathered in Saishanghu City and started running vigorously. After three years, the Yinchuan Marathon returned with a high-spirited attitude, showing the passion and vitality of the city.

As the only official designated insurance sponsor of the event, Sunshine Insurance provides all-round insurance protection and voluntary services for all contestants and staff. At the same time, in order to ensure the smooth development of the event, Sunshine Life Insurance Ningxia Branch arranged a number of senior claims personnel to station at the designated hospital for the event, and through the green one-stop claim settlement work such as advance payment and prepayment of medical expenses, the claim settlement procedures were simplified and the on-site rescue was assisted. Provide full insurance services.

It is reported that since 2017, Sunshine Insurance has provided exclusive personal accident insurance sponsorship for the event for five consecutive years. 70,000 people.

In addition to providing comprehensive and considerate protection services, Sunshine Insurance is also using practical actions to convey the concept of healthy life and active exercise. On the day of the competition, Sunshine Insurance specially organized a 100-person Sunshine Running Team to participate in the competition. With their enthusiasm and persistence, they conveyed the health concept of “running in the sun”, which became a beautiful landscape on the field.

In addition, Sunshine Insurance also entered the Yinchuan Marathon Expo, which lasted for three days before the race, and carried out the theme activity of “Running in the Sun” in the exclusive exhibition area. Provide customers with services such as insurance consultation and public welfare publicity, and organize interactive games such as “prize quizzes” and “sports competitions” to bring customers experience activities such as Eagle Pupil experience and “My Sunshine” online game. The atmosphere is warm , a variety of interactive activities and exquisite souvenirs also surprised the majority of runners.

Since 2014, Sunshine Insurance has continued to carry out the “Running in the Sun” series of activities, and has successively provided more than 2.5 million running enthusiasts in more than 200 races such as Wuhan Marathon, Guangzhou Marathon, Xiamen Marathon, Wuxi Marathon, and Taiyuan Marathon. The insurance guarantee and on-site volunteer service, and opened the “direct compensation” service to provide on-site claim settlement services for contestants, which was well received by the race organizing committee, runners and the media.


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