The movie “Dad, I Understand You” is scheduled for 616. Fan Ming and Li Qian’s father and daughter pay tribute to Wang Xinfa, a good man in China


Movie “Dad, I Understand You” Finalized Poster – Vertical

Directed by Wang Kaiyang, starring Fan Ming, Li Qian, Yu Hui, Jin Qiaoqiao, Shi Liang starred in friendship, Shi Nan, Wen Qi, Zhang He, Pengpenghu, Zhou Kaiwen, Li Yicheng, Guan Bo, Zhong Zhong, Luo Yiqiao, Zhang Ziyu , Yan Hongxia and others starring in the movie “Dad, I Understand You” is scheduled to be released on June 16. This film is adapted from the true deeds of Wang Xinfa, a “good man in China” and a model of poverty alleviation in Hunan Province. Pay tribute to the strugglers on the front lines of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization. At the same time, this film also breaks out of the stereotype of traditional films with the main theme, cuts in from the perspective of father-daughter relationship, and integrates various commercial elements such as comedy and fantasy.

  Powerful actors gather true feelings to interpret the tear-jerking father-daughter relationship

The movie “Dad, I Understand You” tells the story of Wang Xinhua (played by Fan Ming), the father of the ghost horse, who has been doing good deeds by “swindling and cheating” all the year round. Very disgusted, but my father suddenly died of a heart attack. At the funeral, Qianqian encountered an abnormal phenomenon of mudslides and traveled back to before her father’s death. When Qianqian witnessed her father’s “pit”, “deceived”, “abducted” and “deceived”, she was shocked. It turned out that she had never had a good time with her father. Communication, indeed misunderstood the father. But in reality, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn’t stop, the son wants to be filial but the relatives are not there…

This film gathers many powerful actors such as national first-class actors Fan Ming, Li Qian, Yu Hui, etc. The natural, cordial and infectious performances escort the quality of the film and make the audience feel empathetic. Among them, teacher Fan Ming has been well-known to the audience for his classic works such as “The Story of the Cooking Class” and “Wulin Biography”. The interesting performance method makes the poverty alleviation story more cordial and attractive to young people, which is the well-deserved role of laughter and tears in this play. The partner’s daughter, Li Qian, is an “old actor” with an acting career of more than 20 years. With her natural and unique acting skills, she transformed the relationship between father and daughter from disgust and misunderstanding to the final mutual reconciliation and dream relay. The mental journey of striving for the ideal of common prosperity is accurately grasped, and the family love scene is even more tear-jerking.

At the same time, this film is different from the general theme films, but innovatively incorporates elements such as comedy and fantasy, and is ingeniously integrated with real poverty alleviation stories. It is deeply touching and makes the audience cherish family affection more, learn to communicate with relatives, and refuse to regret. Audiences who like warm and healing family films must not miss it.

  Adapted from real people’s deeds to pay tribute to ordinary heroes on the frontline of poverty alleviation

The movie “Dad, I Understand You” is adapted from the true deeds of the poverty alleviation models Wang Xinfa and Wang Ting’s father and daughter. On February 23, 2017, Wang Xinfa died of myocardial infarction due to overwork and died on the front line of poverty alleviation. He was posthumously awarded as a model of poverty alleviation in Hunan Province, an outstanding Communist Party member of Hunan Province, and a national model of poverty alleviation. He was listed on the “China Good People List” . Its “Wang Xinfa Spirit” of upholding heroic character with ordinary people’s righteous deeds, practicing the ideal of common prosperity with dedication, and demonstrating the true qualities of party members with loyalty has been widely reported by CCTV and other national authoritative media, and has influenced the hearts of party members and cadres profound.

This film not only reproduces the real feats of poverty alleviation engraved in history in the form of light and shadow, allowing the audience to relive the time of united struggle, but also through the collision of emotions, interests and ideals between father and daughter, cadres and villagers Go into the hearts of the characters, and try to find the spiritual power for ordinary heroes to create extraordinary lives. Instead of superficial praise, it is more real, heartfelt, and warmer. In the atmosphere of watching movies with laughter and tears, you can absorb extraordinary power , Encourage yourself to keep moving forward in ordinary life and realize the value of life.

The movie “Dad, I Understand You” is directed by Wang Kaiyang, starring Fan Ming, Li Qian, and Yu Hui, and starring Jin Qiaoqiao and Shi Liang in friendship. Produced by Hunan Weige Film Co., Ltd., Weige Film (Beijing) Co., Ltd., and Bona Cinema Line Co., Ltd.; China Film Co., Ltd. Beijing Film Distribution Branch, Hunan Weige Film Co., Ltd.; Xinqidian Culture Jointly issued by Media (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and Qingdao Poxiao Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd.; publicity and marketing by Beijing Shuoguolianlian Culture Media Co., Ltd.


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