Music festivals, art exhibitions, concerts… these leisure activities are not to be missed


  Tianjin North Net News: In May, Tianjin added many popular performances and exhibitions. The editor compiled a list of exhibitions and performances, including 9 performances and 3 exhibitions. Let’s take a look and prepare for the weekend trip!

  2023 Ugo World Tianjin Station National Tide Carnival-Yu Xiang Music Festival

On May 20-21, 2023, the Guochao Carnival will be sung at the Xiang Music Festival in Tianjin! Artists such as GAI Zhou Yan, Yao Chen, Xu Song, Jiao Maiqi, Chen Chusheng, Shen Yicheng and others will gather in Jiabao to perform plastic surgery invincible and powerful. The melody is intertwined, the rhythm is set off, Baoxin Building, Binhai New Area, Tianjin, look forward to meeting you!

Address: Lawn on the southeast side of Baoxin Building, Binhai New Area

Time: 2023.05.20-05.21

  Huang Qishan “Qiwang Thirty” Concert Tour “Huang Qishan” & “Xiaoxia”

This tour includes two parts: “Huang Qishan” and “Xiaoxia”. As “Huang Qishan”, she was a well-known female singer with iron lungs and a powerful singer in the Chinese music scene. And “Xiaoxia” is what Huang Qishan believes is the truest self after shedding many halos and labels. Leave the most precious experience in the passing of years, accompany yourself to grow up, and try to reconcile with the world. When “Huang Qishan” meets “Xiaoxia”, it is as beautiful and profound as poetry, like an endless poem.

Address: Tianjin Grand Theater, No. 58, Pingjiang Road, Hexi District

Time: 2023.05.28-05.29

  “Love Gabbana” Jinweier drama

“Food is a memory engraved deep in the soul, it is the taste of hometown, home, and love.” ——The original contemporary realism-themed Jinwei drama “Love’s Gaba Cuisine” is based in Tianjin A breakfast shop in the center serves as the background of the story. It tells the story of the people in and out of the breakfast shop “Jin Ji”, which is famous for making delicious snacks Gaba dishes. It depicts a scene full of family, love, friendship and nostalgia , A heart-warming picture scroll of family and country conditions.

Address: Experimental Theater of Tianjin People’s Art Theater, Room 406, No. 43, Pingshan Road, Hexi District

Time: 2023.05.12-05.21

  “The Last Biography” God reverse comedy

This is a story about two people. He told his story, he listened to his story. An actor, a writer, hilarious plots, and a network of clues constitute an unusual story, which will subvert all your cognition and make you laugh unconsciously when you immerse yourself in this comedy story.

Address: Small Theater of Tianjin Guanghua Theater, No. 2 Nanbei Street, Hexi District

Time: 2023.05.21

  “Have You Seen My Cat?” “Healing is a small fresh parent-child drama

This is a story about meeting, growing up and parting. In this story, we will embark on a journey called life together with the protagonist. During this journey, for various reasons, the protagonist meets various cats and has various stories with them. The performance of parent-child dramas and children’s dramas describes the story of people and cats from an easy-to-understand perspective, and explores the relationship between people and pets in today’s society.

Address: Wisdom Mountain Liuli Theater, Floor 1, Building E, Wisdom Mountain, Huayuan Industrial Park, Kaihua Road, Xiqing District

Time: 2023.05.21

  Happy Twist’s four stage plays “Crazy Barbershop” and “Charlotte Trouble”

Want to laugh and forget all your troubles? Come and have fun! This May, Happy Twist staged 4 stage plays in Tianjin, each with its own splendor, and there was no urine point in the whole process, and surprises struck.

Address: Tianjin Mixc City, 3rd Floor

Time: “Crazy Barbershop” 2023.05.07-05.21 “Shakespeare Don’t Be Angry” 2023.05.07-05.14 “Charlotte Annoyance” 2023.05.19-05.21 “Li Cha’s Aunt” 2023.05.26-05.28

  “Tianjin First Exhibition” National Geographic Classic Image Exhibition 2023 New Departure

Every classic moment is here. Each of the world-renowned documentary photography palace-level works is a new collection, traveling through the sky, land, and ocean space to connect the voices of humanity and nature, open the distant world, and discover the familiar world around you. With a new start in 2023, it gathers more than 130 years of global classics and more than a hundred extreme classic moments to explore the past, present and future.

Address: Exhibition Hall L1, Mixc City, Leyuan Road, Hexi District

Time: 2023.03.25-06.11

  Traveling in space and aerospace art exhibition “Tianjin Station” is a unique and colorful air show

1000-2000? Super large roaming experience space, eight themed exhibition areas, telling the development of aerospace and popular science knowledge of the universe. The exhibition content includes national aerospace, universe and other model exhibits, integrating the immersive experience of futuristic and technological sense, which is a “unique colorful air show”.

Address: F4, Lujiazui Shopping Center, Hongqiao District

Time: 2023.04.29-10.31

  Invisible Paradise—Zen Cat Theme Art Exhibition Trendy IP artist Hui Zi?

The “Invisible Paradise” constructed by the trendy IP artist Hui Zi? is a very theatrical and unique scene, which is different from ordinary Internet celebrity exhibitions. It surpasses the scale and scope of an ordinary exhibition in terms of content and form. quantity. From the shadow box to the mirror maze, from the Zen cat space to “Hui Zi?’s studio”, and then to the Zen cat theme store, from vision to touch, from hearing to smell, experiencers can fully appreciate the new national trend in this theater Charm.

Address: Haihe Art Museum, No. 2-7, Miansan Creative Street, Xitai Street, No. 38, Fumin Road, Hedong District

Time: 2023.04.29-07.30


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