The Alpha Egg “Super Chinese Class” in the decisive class is even more difficult!



At 20:30 this Saturday, Alphadan’s “Super Chinese Lesson” will start the finals of “The Hardest Lesson”. Teachers and students across the country will vote for the most difficult text from the Chinese textbooks of each school stage. The top six teachers will choose from among them. Choose one to teach, and the teacher with the highest sum of the number of students’ courses and the votes of the reviewers will become the most popular Chinese teacher in 2023.

A humorist in the classroom, an old urchin in life. From the high-burning class of “Tian Ji Horse Racing”, to the shocking and moving “Bridge”, and then to the emotional “Mother’s Love”, Mr. He Jie’s ever-changing classroom, the same is the super high control of the classroom. This time he will continue to break through himself and bring the story of “Jingwei Reclamation”. Why did the “Shan Hai Jing” become a representative of the creation myth, and why did Jing Wei persevere in filling up the East China Sea? What is the significance of its inheritance today? Teacher He Jie, an old urchin in Chinese, led the children to dig out the stories behind Jingwei, study the cultural intentions of Shan Hai Jing, and appreciate the charm of Chinese creation myths with the children.

Draw its shape, paint its god, and praise its soul. From “Guan Canghai” facing Jieshi in the east to guiding students to create colorful collage poems, let’s enjoy “The Landscape of the Five Years of Yuanfeng” together. And on the podium of the most difficult lesson in this issue, Mr. Wang Hao is about to challenge “The Hardest Lesson of the Hardest Lessons” “Happy Journey”.

Isn’t Kun happy to be a fish in Beiming? Why did he have to turn into a Peng and travel thousands of miles to Nanming? Which one is more leisurely, Dapeng or Fanniao? In the small and big debate of “Xiaoyaoyou”, teacher Wang Hao led the students to deconstruct Zhuangzi’s happy state step by step.

From the anti-routine phonology class of “Slow Voice”, to the literary value discussion of “Promoting Weaving”, and the childhood taste of “Cultural Life in Hometown”, every time Teacher Tang Ying appeared on the stage, it smashed the past labels, and even more so. A challenge to cognitive learning for students and audiences.

“Li Sao” is a poem written by Qu Yuan, a Chinese poet in the Warring States Period, and it is also the longest lyric poem in ancient China. Teacher Tang Ying’s class includes aesthetics, culture, language, and phonology, and the persuasive Chinese class has left a deep impression on everyone. This time, what kind of ingenuity will he use to lead everyone to understand Qu Yuan’s “Li Sao”? ?

With the companionship since the 12th period, each teacher has brought a wonderful Chinese class. From a good lesson, team research, theme teaching, and the final most difficult lesson, what we have seen is the teachers’ hard work in preparing lessons , love for students, sincerity for Chinese and a heart for education. This week Alpha Egg “Super Chinese Class” is about to usher in the finals. Who will become the most popular Chinese teacher in 2023?

There are standards for learning Chinese. The second season of “Super Chinese Class” is jointly produced by Shandong Satellite TV and Alphadan, co-produced by Shandong Satellite TV and Weizhong Media, and specially sponsored by the three gold medal Guilin Watermelon Frost Lozenges.

Experience big Chinese, discover good classrooms, and meet good teachers. Every Saturday at 20:30, Alpha Egg “Super Chinese Class” is broadcast on Shandong Satellite TV. The video number of Shandong Satellite TV is broadcast live simultaneously, and the online platform Youku exclusively broadcasts it. See you soon!


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