“Youth School Project” Miao Sha debuted on the stage and got a call from the boss Wu Zongxian



Co-produced by Mango TV and Hunan Satellite TV, the youth co-creation music competition variety show “Youth School Project” officially launched on April 27. In the second episode aired on May 4, the newcomer singer Miusa from Taiwan won the customs clearance qualification with a song “Mr. Lonely”, and her superb singing level also successfully captured the hearts of the audience. sparked heated discussions on social platforms. It is reported that Miao Sha, who loves music, had the experience of singing in residence and participating in singing competitions. She was invited to participate in the recording of the song guessing unit of “Variety Show Hit”. Due to her excellent performance, she was caught by the variety show king Wu Zongxian and signed a record contract. Officially became an artist under Wu Zongxian. After 3 years of systematic training, Miao Sha also released “MIUSA Album of the Same Name” at the end of 2022, making her official debut as a singing and dancing singer.

This time in the “Youth School Project”, Miaosha chose to adapt and sing the classic song “Mr. Lonely” as the first stage. With extremely powerful voice function and singing skills, He Jiong, the “big player” of the show, also called her singing “very detailed” after Miao Sha sang. In the end, Miao Sha qualified for the first round of customs clearance of the show with the first place in the group.

As Wu Zongxian’s favorite general, Miaosha also got a call from the boss Wu Zongxian, not only recording VCR to create momentum: “Such a good program, such a great audience, enjoy this stage”, but also reposting Miaosha’s first stage on social platforms performance, called “Proud of Miusa”.

It is worth mentioning that participating in the “Youth School Project” competition is also Miaosha’s first recording of a mainland variety show. Like many audiences, many young singers who competed at the competition also expressed dislike for Miaosha. familiar. And as the melody of “Mr. Lonely” sounded, not only the competing singers frequently referred to Miao Sha as a “singer”, after Miao Sha sang, Li Yuchun, the special guest of the show, applauded and praised: “Awesome”. After the show was launched, many netizens expressed their support for Miaosha on social platforms: “You will fall if you speak”, “Beauty can sing, and the potential is unlimited”…

In the first appearance of “Youth School Project”, Miao Sha has already demonstrated her good singing skills and eye-catching stage charm. I believe that Miao Sha will bring more excitement to the audience in the next schedule of “Youth School Project”. Performance.


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