199,900 yuan expected to fail Tesla’s sudden price increase in the price war


Not long ago, netizens were still expecting Tesla to launch a new round of price cuts in China. The entry price of Model 3 could even be reduced to 199,900 yuan. Unexpectedly, Tesla’s reverse price cuts—Model 3 and Model Y—were finally waiting. After the overall increase of 2,000 yuan, netizens complained that they could not understand this wave of operations.

Among them, the price of the entry-level version of Tesla Model 3 rose to 231,900 yuan (previously 229,900 yuan), and the high-performance version rose to 331,900 yuan (previously 329,900 yuan);

The entry-level version of Model Y was raised to 263,900 yuan (previously 261,900 yuan), the price of the long-range version was raised to 313,900 yuan (previously 311,900 yuan), and the price of the high-performance version was raised to 363,900 yuan (previously 361,900 yuan). ).

Tesla has always been the main driver of price wars. The big price cuts at the beginning of the year caused many domestic car companies to complain. Why are they raising prices now? Analysts from the industry believe that this may have something to do with Tesla’s Q1 quarterly earnings report falling short of expectations.

In the first quarter of 2023, Tesla’s total revenue was about US$23.33 billion, a year-on-year increase of 24.38%, but its net profit was about US$2.513 billion, a year-on-year decline of more than 24%, lower than the forecast of US$2.6 billion.

Tesla’s price cuts at the beginning of the year obviously affected the company’s profits, and while revenues soared, profits fell instead.

However, what Tesla is best at among new energy car companies is still low manufacturing costs. In the Q1 financial report, Tesla stated that the rate of decline in operating profit margins is still controllable.

Tesla expects continued vehicle cost reductions due to improved production efficiencies at new factories and lower logistics costs, while remaining focused on improving operating leverage.

At the investor meeting on March 2,Zhu Xiaotong revealed that by 2022, the cost of Model 3 has been reduced by 30%.

Tesla has also developed a next-generation motor that can completely eliminate the use of rare earths, and the amount of silicon carbide will be reduced by 75%. The cost of the next-generation car can even be reduced by 50%.


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