“Yi” walks along the road, making the “children of the stars” shine


On April 7, Shanghai CPIC Blue Public Welfare Foundation (hereinafter referred to as CPIC Blue Foundation), Pacific Health Insurance and Shanghai Cao Peng Public Welfare Foundation (hereinafter referred to as Cao Peng Foundation) jointly launched an autism care theme activity day. CPIC Bluestar Anxin Autism Special Fund donated 200,000 yuan to the Cao Peng Foundation to jointly promote public welfare projects and activities caring for children with autism such as “Angel Voice Salon” and “Love Classroom”, so that “children of the stars” sparkling with light.

  Art Healing, Building a Heart-to-Heart Bridge for Children with Autism

Children with autism are often referred to as “children of the stars”, mainly manifested in varying degrees of impaired social skills and verbal communication skills. Studies have found that some children with autism have a higher perception of sound, touch, vision, light, and temperature than ordinary people. Artistic expressions such as painting, singing, and playing can be completed only with fragmented ideas, which greatly reduces their ability to express themselves. The threshold of expression has been improved, and the willingness to express has been improved. At the scene, the children of the Cao Peng Foundation brought the dance “Cowboys Are Busy” and a musical brass quintet. The wonderful performances, bright smiles of the children, and warm applause from the guests attracted many citizens to stop and watch.

In order to create a display space for children with autism, CPIC Blue Foundation spent 2 months preparing for this “Starry Bright Future of Calligraphy and Painting” Dream Calligraphy and Painting Public Welfare Exhibition. Nearly 150 works are exhibited this time, from 28 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities across the country including Shanghai, Beijing, Heilongjiang, Sichuan, Tibet, Xinjiang and Hainan, including 10 paintings of autistic children selected by the Cao Peng Foundation. With warm themes and bright colors, these works not only show the extraordinary imagination and creativity of children with autism, but also reflect their warm inner world and desire for social life.

In recent years, caring companies from all walks of life have paid more and more attention to autistic groups, and Pacific Health Insurance under China Pacific Insurance is one of them. On April 2, 2022, Pacific Health Insurance donated 2 million yuan to the CPIC Blue Foundation for the establishment of the “CPIC Bluestar Anxin Autism Special Fund”. Explore the path of art therapy for children with autism.

At this event, CPIC Bluestar Anxin Autism Special Fund donated 200,000 yuan to the Cao Peng Foundation for carrying out public welfare projects and activities caring for children with autism such as “Voice of Angels Salon” and “Love Classroom” , “Yi” join hands to remove barriers with care and build a bridge for more autistic children to communicate with society.

  financeBe kind, support the sky for autistic families

According to incomplete statistics, there may be more than 13 million autistic people in my country, including about 3 million children under the age of 14, and an annual growth rate of nearly 200,000. And behind these more than 3 million children, there are even more millions of autistic families and tens of millions of parents.

According to the “Analysis Report on the Current Situation of Children with Autism in China” released by the China Philanthropy Research Institute, parents of autistic patients have an urgent need for social security and assistance. According to the results of the questionnaire, autism screening and assistance are the social security needs that parents are most eager to obtain. At the same time, parents also hope to have access to high-quality medical service resources to bring more adequate protection for the subsequent growth of autistic children.

Pacific Health Insurance actively responded to the “Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of Inclusive Insurance” issued by the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, adhered to the concept of financial goodness, and after extensive demand research, tailored the “Xinganxin” health protection plan for the autistic group (hereinafter referred to as Xinganxin). Xinganxin is a set of comprehensive solutions of “insurance + service”. The protection liability covers five types of liability including serious illness, accidental injury, and accidental medical treatment. The service content covers six categories of items such as psychology, health, and medical treatment. “To solve the problems of difficulty in purchasing insurance and ease the difficulty of seeking medical treatment; this is also an important measure for Pacific Health Insurance to increase protection for specific risk groups and help improve the supply of inclusive insurance products.

With the deepening and implementation of China Pacific Insurance’s big health strategy, especially the deployment of managed medical care, digital medical care, pension rehabilitation and other fields, Pacific Health Insurance will continue to respond to national policy requirements, pay attention to the insurance protection needs of special groups, and rely on China Pacific Insurance’s resources Integrate advantages, further explore the new product form of insurance + trust + pension community for autistic groups, provide a foundation for “children of the stars”, solve the worries of parents, realize the effective coverage of commercial insurance for special groups, and help the country’s social security The system construction is perfect.

  Insurance for the people, “benefits” join handsCaring for Children with Autism

As a responsible insurance company, China Pacific Insurance deeply understands that improving social awareness and helping autistic children and families is not a one-day achievement, and requires long-term persistence and dedication. China Pacific Insurance will insist on doing three things well: continue to promote public welfare services such as autism science popularization, screening, assessment, and rehabilitation, raise social attention, help early detection, and scientific intervention; unswervingly promote art healing methods to provide autism patients To build a heart-to-heart bridge for children to interact with the world; give full play to the advantages of its own medical resources, focus on the needs of autistic children and families, continuously optimize “Xinganxin” products, provide high-quality products and health services, and solve the family burden of autistic groups.

Just as Ma Xin, vice president of China Pacific Insurance and chairman of Pacific Health Insurance, mentioned in his speech: Going back to the source, like charity and public welfare, the essence of insurance is also great love and altruism. CPIC Bluestar Anxin Special Fund will adhere to the values ​​of “caring, friendship, and warmth”, work together with more social forces, give more care and support to autistic children, and explore a sustainable model of autistic family assistance.







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