Minsheng Bank released the financial service plan for the low-carbon transformation of the iron and steel industry


In order to thoroughly implement the national “double-carbon” strategy and continue to practice the concept of green development, on April 25th, the “Steel Giant Peak and Green Transformation – China Minsheng Bank Steel Industry Low Carbon” hosted by China Iron and Steel Industry Association and undertaken by China Minsheng Bank The “Transformation Financial Service Plan Conference” was successfully held in Beijing, witnessed by nearly a hundred guests from industry associations, steel companies, and professional think tanks. The total steel production capacity of participating companies accounted for more than 60% of the industry’s total production capacity.

Feng Chao, Deputy Secretary-General of China Iron and Steel Industry Association, and Zhu Guohui, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice Chairman of Carbon Emission Registration and Settlement (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. attended and delivered keynote speeches; relevant persons in charge of Minsheng Bank attended the meeting. Witnessed by the guests, Minsheng Bank’s green transformation financial service plan for the iron and steel industry was officially launched. The plan focuses on the characteristic scenarios of the industry, and profoundly interprets the transformation essentials of green production, digital operation, clean energy, valued carbon rights, innovative recycling, and low-carbon logistics. A co-creator of value enhancement and a peer across peaks and valleys, helping iron and steel enterprises achieve green development in the three major areas of “carbon-free” at the source, “carbon reduction” in production, and “active carbon” in the back-end.

There was also a roundtable dialogue on the theme of “Carbon Road Together Forging Peak Harmony”. Executives of iron and steel enterprises, experts of industry organizations, academics and researchers of Minsheng Bank conducted in-depth discussions on topics such as the path and practice of low-carbon transformation of the iron and steel industry, and the value enhancement space of ESG in the future.

This press conference is the inheritance and extension of Minsheng Bank’s “Fenghe” green finance brand. In 2021, Minsheng Bank officially launched four major products of “investment”, “financing”, “chain” and “business”; in 2022, Minsheng Bank released innovative products “carbon e-loan” and “photovoltaic loan”; in 2023, Minsheng Bank released the iron and steel industry The low-carbon transformation financial service plan shares opportunities with steel companies and walks side by side. In the future, Minsheng Bank will actively practice the ESG concept, continue to build a green financial brand, vigorously innovate financial products and services, and help the high-quality development of the real economy.


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