Create a new way of interacting with celebrities Guo Degang brings new knowledge and hot stalks to Kuaishou exclusively


On April 17, with his love for traditional culture, Guo Degang brought his new program “Gang Gang Hao” to the Kuaishou platform exclusively, and launched a “challenge to throw memes” to the entire network.

Once the short video was released, it aroused public attention and heated discussions. In just 7 days, this “top streamer” in the cross talk world has gained 5.56 million fans, and the total number of views of his first 10 short videos has exceeded 180 million. The total playback volume of this topic is also as high as 610 million. The in-depth collision between Guo Degang’s star effect and Kuaishou’s content ecology provides an excellent model for the spread and development of traditional culture.

The fancy “stalk throwing challenge” set off an interactive boom

Although he claims to be a “primary school student in the cross talk world”, relying on his achievements and prestige over the years, Guo Degang attracted disciples such as Yue Yunpeng, Shaobing, and Zhang Jiuling to congratulate him as soon as he entered Kuaishou. Guo Degang interacted with messages, and Kuaishou masters also recorded videos with hand-painted and clay sculptures to express their welcome. Kuaishou users who like Guo Degang express their love for Guo Degang through likes and comments.

Not only that, Kuaishou also contributed to the in-depth interaction between users and Guo Degang. In the past, if you wanted to “throw away the stalks” with Guo Degang, you usually had to go to offline theaters where tickets were hard to find. As a universal platform for celebrities and the public to communicate on an equal footing, Kuaishou created a fancy way of playing when it settled in, helping veterans realize the freedom of “throwing stalks”.

“Ms. Guo, do you know which place is the most difficult to get through?” “Ningbo, because the phone you dialed (Ningbo) has been turned off.” Less than half an hour after arriving in Kuaishou, Guo Degang played the “King of Terriers” “The real character, continued to pick up memes in the video, and launched a “challenge to throw memes” to netizens. From April 17th to April 21st, star talents and fast-handed veterans who were inspired to fight mermaids went to Guo Degang’s comment area to ask questions, or directly posted videos@郭德纲, looking forward to the turnaround of the leader of Deyun.

In addition to responding to the challenges of netizens in the comment area, Guo Degang also interacted with the disciples of Deyun Society in the air, and deciphered the stalks of Yue Yunpeng, Shaobing, and Zhang Jiuling one by one in the video.This move also attracted comments from fans such as “the title of the king is well deserved” and “a proper 5G surfer”, which set off another wave of interaction in Kuaishou

Create an output port of traditional culture in Kuaishou

From Tianqiao to theater, from theater to TV, from TV to the Internet, Guo Degang has embraced every change with cross talk. In the wave of short video live broadcasts, he once again saw the value of new technologies in promoting the development of traditional folk art, and the new portable program “Gang Gang Hao” exclusively entered Kuaishou. In the future, he will use a new way to take the veterans beyond time and space, and feel the essence of cross talk art and the charm of traditional culture.

In order to allow traditional culture to reach a wider audience, so that more young people love and understand it, Guo Degang has fully studied the content consumption habits of short video users, “Bring you the fun things in history at the fastest speed.” .Literature and art, historical allusions, customs and habits are all in it; metaphysical philosophy, ancient life, and ideological value are all explored.” And it brings a super-long standby companionship, 365 days full of meme, constantly updated throughout the year.

Celebrity ecology and entertainment content are more diversified

Over the years, Kuaishou Entertainment has insisted on being “entertainment for the masses”. Based on a real and equal community atmosphere, as well as a deep insight into user preferences and needs, it has built a prosperous star content ecology in the station.

As of April 2023, more than 2,100 celebrity accounts have entered Kuaishou, with an overall fan base of over 1.4 billion. Among them, the field of comedy with low threshold of acceptance, wide audience and strong appeal has already gathered Yue Yunpeng, Song Xiaobao, Guo Donglin, Cai Ming, Feng Gong, Gong Hanlin and other domestic first-line comedy talents.

Guo Degang, as a superstar with a lot of importance in the comedy arena, is not only a reinforcement of Kuaishou star ecology, but also will further promote the diversification of entertainment content on the platform. In the past two years, Jay Chou, who came with high-quality music works, and Jackie Chan, who came with classic movies, have all helped Kuaishou to increase the number of users and increase user stickiness. This time Guo Degang’s entry into Kuaishou is another attempt of “two-way travel” between celebrities and users.

At the same time, Kuaishou is also accepting stars of different attributes with greater inclusiveness, providing a highly inclusive public opinion environment for friendly exchanges between the two parties. Not only that, the platform also continuously explores the different content characteristics of stars through variety shows, events, evening parties, etc., providing them with sufficient exposure opportunities and covering a larger audience.

In the future, Kuaishou will continue to empower celebrities in terms of content operation and event gameplay, and will continue to release the unique personal charm and commercial potential of celebrities, so as to realize the positive cycle of entertainment ecology.


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