[Full of Qi]Ji Kang’s “Health Preservation”

[Full of Qi]Ji Kang’s “Health Preservation”


Ji Kang was one of the “Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove” in the Wei State during the Three Kingdoms period. He was a famous writer, thinker, philosopher, musician, calligrapher, and health preserver. Ji Kang admired Lao Zhuang and paid attention to the way of taking food and keeping in good health.

He advocated returning to nature and the lifestyle of “learn from the name and let nature go”, and he agreed with the idea that all things are born from vitality.

Kang has a long history of research on TCM classics such as “Huangdi Neijing” and “Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic”.

Guided by ancient Chinese philosophy

Ji Kang organized the fragmented theories related to health preservation and messy discourses in the past dynasties, sorted them out and developed them into “Health Preservation Theory”.

Ji Kang’s “On Health Preservation” is extremely rich in content. Although it has only 1223 characters, it contains important essence of health preservation. Among them are the three principles of health preservation-keep it with oneness, make love with the spirit and form, and nourish it with harmony, and specific measures such as tranquility and emptiness, sun exposure to the sun, moistening with sweet springs, and steaming with Ganoderma lucidum, etc.

Ji Kang’s “Health Preservation Theory” is guided by ancient Chinese philosophical thoughts, and positions the subject of health preservation as objectively existing people and things.

“Be good at keeping in good health…and keep it as one, keep it in harmony, and be harmonious and beneficial to the day, which is the same as Dashun.” This means that people who keep in good health must abide by the laws of nature, and put people in nature, and be in harmony with nature. Mixed up. This view is in line with the theory of “harmony between man and nature” in traditional Chinese medicine.

Ji Kang warned people in “Health Preservation Theory” that “the harm is done in the small, but the rescue is in the work, so there is the beginning of no merit.” Get white, grow old from white, and die from old”, pointing out that the disease starts from a small damage and has a gradual process of aggravation. If the disease is not treated when it is mild, it will be treated when it is critical. There are cases where the treatment effect is not ideal or the treatment is not good.

Health care should be before the body is damaged

“Health Preservation Theory” reminds people that health care is to take measures to prevent damage from all aspects before causing damage to the body.

“Form relies on spirit to establish itself, and spirit needs form to survive.” Ji Kang believes that form and spirit are interdependent and inseparable. “Body and spirit meet each other, both inside and outside are also good.” It reminds people that they should not forget to take care of their body when resting their spirits.

Ji Kang emphasized that those who maintain health should follow the laws of nature, pay attention to the balance of yin and yang, and live in harmony with society, and then supplement it with traditional Chinese medicine for health care. The specific measures include sunbathing, breathing fresh air, drinking good water, and listening to music. “Do nothing to be self-satisfied, the body is wonderful and the heart is profound, forget the joy and then enjoy the content, leave life and then live.” This series of measures reflects the diversity of Ji Kang’s health care methods.

Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians and Acupuncture and Moxibustion Malaysia (Medical Federation)
Registered member Dr. Chen Guoqiang


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