What if I am late for school?Super Class 1 is dedicated to teaching for you



When we talk about family affection, everyone’s heart is warm. Family affection is the selfless love of parents for their children and the emotional connection between brothers and sisters. Those who are related by blood are called relatives, and caring for each other from the heart is love. Family affection is a kind of fetter that blood is thicker than water, it is the confidence to open your mouth to ask for money, it is the concern and longing in the heart far away in a foreign country, and it is the last reliance in the heart.

At 20:30 this Saturday, Alphadan’s “Super Chinese Class” will start the third phase of “Family Love” theme teaching. The teacher Hook, who was widely loved by children last season, will serve as a specially invited class reviewer. He Jie, Liu Ying, Liu The four teachers, Congliang and Shao Tongxin, taught successively, leading students to appreciate the family affection in literature.

It is difficult to have affectionate writing without experiencing deep sorrow, which can be described as a sad law in the long history of literary development. In the history of ancient Chinese literature, there is a master who described this kind of deep love and sorrow from the bottom of his heart in a detailed and touching way.

Xiang Jixuan is the epitome of the Guijia family. “The osmanthus shadows are mottled, the wind moves the shadows, and Shanshan is lovely” courtyard, but it gradually fell apart. “The fathers are different, and there are many small doors inside and outside.” In a few words, the desolation and helplessness of a family in the process of decline is written. Teacher Gou Wenjun will lead the students to pry into Gui Youguang’s love and aspirations, joy and sorrow through Xiang Jixuan, and try to get closer to the state of mind of most scholars in ancient China through Xiang Jixuan.

What does 1 yuan and 5 cents mean? Perhaps most of the students no longer have the concept of five cents, but for Liang Xiaosheng’s mother, it is the wages earned by working hard on the sewing machine for two days in the factory. “Sometimes when I wake up at night, I still see the lights on, and I still see my mother stitching stitches, one thread at a time, as if it is an automatic sewing machine that does not make a sound. Or I see the lights on, and my mother leans her shoulders against the wall, her head Hanging on the chest, with the gift in hand, just fell asleep like that.”

“When the wind and rain in the sky come, the birds hide in their nests; when the storm in my heart comes, I only hide in your arms.” The greatness of a mother is never written, but with a strand of white hair, Drops of sweat and wrinkles are carved out of the years. Teacher He Jie will work with the students to restore the scene with the sound of the sewing machine, and feel the motherly love in the interesting classroom.

If one day you are late for school and the class teacher is standing at the door, what should you do? Referring to Li Mi’s approach in “Chen Qing Biao”, teacher Liu Congliang’s superb ability of “dialogue” allows children to quickly empathize, and teach with love in the super class – learn to show weakness!


First of all, you need to “make a Mercedes-Benz”, “Benz” can reflect your respect for the teacher and your guilt for being late; secondly, it is vague, such as “teacher…morning…later…this…” Appropriate Stuttering expresses one’s panic and nervousness, and puts oneself on the weak side to win the empathy and understanding of the teacher, and perhaps the teacher’s anger will gradually be extinguished.

Encouraging education or suppressing education? Faced with the first poem written by Buddy, his mother and father gave two completely different evaluations. Bud Schulberger attributed his achievements to his father’s sternness and his mother’s love, and it was these two different kinds of love that allowed him to grow continuously. Everyone needs “extremely wonderful” and “terrible” in their lives. Teacher Liu Ying led the children to feel the emotions in the details of the text and experience the two different loves of parents.

Family love sometimes seems very close, sometimes it seems far away. The Philip family pinned their hope of getting rid of poverty on Fu Yule, who was a glimmer of light in their dark life. However, this glimmer was quickly extinguished. The elder brother missed the younger brother in the letter for many years, but after finding out that his younger brother was down and out, he ran away and never recognized each other. They avoided poverty. This is a satirical novel, but it is not limited to satire. What kind of classroom performance will Shao Tongxin, a post-95 teacher, challenge the difficult novel?

There are standards for learning Chinese. The second season of “Super Chinese Class” is jointly produced by Shandong Satellite TV and Alphadan, co-produced by Shandong Satellite TV and Weizhong Media, and specially sponsored by the three gold medal Guilin Watermelon Frost Lozenges.

Experience big Chinese, discover good classrooms, and meet good teachers. Every Saturday at 20:30, Alpha Egg “Super Chinese Class” will be broadcast on Shandong Satellite TV. The video number of Shandong Satellite TV will be broadcast live simultaneously, and the online platform Youku will exclusively broadcast it. See you soon!


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