“Going to school” Temple of Heaven to explore the 600-year history Jingwei Minsheng Bank Tianjin Branch Minsheng peer parent-child study activities successfully concluded


Tianjin Branch of Minsheng Bank strives to create a parent-child financial brand “Minsheng Peer”, continuously understands the needs of parent-child families, conducts in-depth exploration in innovative applications, public welfare practices, financial business popularization and other dimensions, and uses finance as the engine to empower children’s literacy education and self-management. Stimulate Chinese family wealth management and good parent-child relationship.

On March 25th, the parent-child study activity of “People’s Livelihood Walking Together”, with the theme of “Uncovering the Mystery of the 600 Spring and Autumn Temple”, entered the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. Professional commentators explained to the children the 600-year history of the Temple of Heaven and the story behind the Seven Star Stone.

How did the Temple of Heaven get its name? Why did the ancients offer sacrifices to heaven? The 360-degree star building with no dead ends – the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvests, what’s so special about it? Why is the Circular Mound Altar “bald”? Why does the Seven Star Stone have eight stones? What acoustic secrets does the imperial vault hide? From ancient times to the present, what interesting stories have happened in the Temple of Heaven?

The children walked into the Prayer Valley area, got to know the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, the landmark building, searched for the mathematical mysteries of the Temple of Heaven and Qiu, and pondered about the principles of acoustics in the Echo Wall.

After seeing the “legendary” Seven Star Stone, a child said excitedly: “Experience the infinite charm of the Temple of Heaven, the central axis, and the Seven Star Stone for yourself, which is very good for improving academic performance!” The Temple of Heaven has countless histories and Culture, the children walked into this treasure land, explored the long traditions and stories, and completed the in-depth research journey with questions and surprises. A parent said: “In the study, children can subtly let the children truly feel the long and splendid history and culture created by our ancestors.”

In this relaxed, interesting and educational study tour, the children had close contact with Chinese traditional culture and history, better understood the essence of Chinese culture, and gained a deeper understanding of Chinese traditional culture and architecture. The family experienced a colorful cultural journey together. This activity will also bury the seeds of cultural heritage protection in the hearts of children, so that traditional Chinese culture can be inherited and carried forward.

Minsheng Bank Tianjin Branch will carry out more practical activities such as social welfare, parent-child research, and literacy improvement, focusing on the needs of characteristic customer groups, creating a characteristic parent-child service platform, and allowing children to unlock more exciting experiences.


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