Tianjin Branch of Minsheng Bank successfully held a private tour of “The Mark of Civilization” Dunhuang Art Exhibition


Since ancient times, Dunhuang has been an important channel for cultural exchanges between China and the West. Different nationalities and various cultures meet, communicate and blend in Dunhuang, forming a colorful, rich and profound Dunhuang culture.

On March 31, 2023, Tianjin Branch of Minsheng Bank invited customers to start a tour of the “Mark of Civilization” Dunhuang Art Exhibition. Exquisitely reproduced cave groups, painted statues, Dunhuang tiles, silk paper paintings…Under the dim light, the audience seems to be in the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, which is far away in the desert.

“The Imprint of Civilization—Dunhuang Art Exhibition” reproduces the immortal charm of the thousand-year-old grottoes with “classic Dunhuang art”. A total of more than 280 components including cultural relics and copybooks are exhibited, including 8 replica caves, copybooks of cultural relic-level murals, and copybooks of colored sculptures. Products and other 202 components. At the exhibition site, customers watched more than 50 treasures and replicas of cultural relics found in the scripture cave of Mogao Grottoes at close range. These exhibits reflect the grand occasion of the fusion of various civilizations in Dunhuang. These works permeate several generations of Dunhuang people’s understanding and perception of Dunhuang art, truly reproduce the charm of Dunhuang art, and show the Mogao spirit of “stick to the desert, be willing to dedicate, have the courage to take responsibility, and forge ahead”.

This exhibition is the largest Dunhuang art exhibition so far, and has achieved new breakthroughs in the exhibition structure and the number of exhibits. Under the guidance of professional commentators, the guests participating in the exhibition experienced the charm of traditional culture. A series of vivid paintings came into view, and the impact of colors made everyone dizzy.

“Dunhuang has many meanings. It tells the world about the ancient Chinese civilization and open Chinese culture culturally.” A customer sighed sincerely!

With the theme of displaying Dunhuang culture, this exhibition explores and promotes excellent traditional culture, immerses in the art treasure house, spreads and feels the spirit of the Silk Road, and activates new ways of collision and dialogue between tradition and contemporary times. Customers have said that this trip to the exhibition allows everyone to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city temporarily, feel the charm of Dunhuang’s mysterious art, and participate in the protection of Dunhuang cultural heritage in the future. After the event, Tianjin Branch of Minsheng Bank presented the carefully prepared gifts of “Dunhuang Collection” to all the guests, and also called on everyone to contribute their own strength as inheritors of Chinese traditional culture.

The development of civilization is not only the exchange and mutual learning between the East and the West, but also the collision and integration of tradition and modernity. This tour of the exhibition reproduces the immortal charm of grotto art, and also allows visitors to feel the grandeur of Dunhuang studies and the modern vitality of Dunhuang art. Minsheng Bank Tianjin Branch will continue to organize a series of special activities of “Cultural Imprint”, and is committed to providing customers with high-quality wealth management and non-financial services.


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