【Full of Qi】Traditional Chinese Medicine Pros and Cons

【Full of Qi】Traditional Chinese Medicine Pros and Cons


Positive governance and anti-curative are the content of TCM treatment principles.

The treatment is under the guidance of the overall concept and dialectical theory of treatment, based on the objective data obtained from the four diagnostic methods (look, smell, ask, and feel), and on the basis of comprehensive analysis, synthesis and judgment of the disease, the treatment plan is formulated. Clinical legislation, prescriptions, and prescriptions are treatment rules with general guiding significance.

Orthodoxy is a treatment rule that treats against the nature of the syndrome, and is suitable for diseases and syndromes where the essence and phenomenon of the disease are consistent. Since the nature of the disease is different from cold, heat, deficiency and excess, the correct treatment method is to treat the cold with heat, the heat with cold, the deficient to replenish, and the excess to relieve.

Obedience to the Illusion of Disease

Cold and heat refers to the cold symptoms of cold lesions, which are treated with warm and hot medicine, that is, heat is used to treat cold. Such as exterior cold syndrome, use Xin Wen Jie exterior method.

The coldness of the heat refers to the heat phenomenon in the heat syndrome, and it should be treated with cold and cool medicine, such as the method of relieving the exterior heat with Xinliang.

Supplementing the deficient refers to the deficiencies and seeing the phantoms, and supplementing the deficiencies with tonic medicines, such as the method of strengthening yang for yang deficiencies.

The purging of the real person refers to the real phenomenon of seeing the real phenomenon, and the method of purging is used to purify the evil, such as the syndrome of food accumulation, the method of eliminating and guiding is used.

The so-called anti-cure is a treatment rule that obeys the false appearance of the disease, that is, the nature of the prescriptions or measures adopted conforms to the false appearance of the disease and is consistent with the false appearance of the disease. In essence, it is a method of treating the essence of the disease under the guidance of the principle of seeking the root of the disease. Applicable to the syndromes where the signs and essence of the disease are not completely consistent.

First, heat is used for heat.Refers to the method of treating diseases with false fever symptoms with pyrogenic drugs. Due to the excess of yin and cold inside, and the exterior of yang, it forms a syndrome of real cold inside and false heat outside. The treatment is aimed at the essence of the disease, and the real cold is treated with hot drugs. Once the real cold is gone, the false fever will disappear.

Treat the essence of the disease

Second, the cold is used for the cold.It refers to the method of treating diseases and syndromes with false cold symptoms with cold medicines, and is suitable for true heat and false cold syndromes with flaming interior heat and abundant yang and yin.

Third, use Seinse.It is a method of treating diseases and syndromes with obstructive symptoms with tonic drugs. It is suitable for true and false evidences that are blocked by emptiness. Such as spleen-stomach weakness, abdominal distension and other symptoms caused by the failure of the Qi movement to ascend and descend, the method of nourishing the spleen and stomach should be adopted in the treatment, and the function of the spleen ascending and the stomach descending should be restored.

Fourth, common causes are universal.It is a method of using Tongli medicine to treat diseases and syndromes with symptoms of solidity and catharsis. It is suitable for real and false conditions, such as food accumulation and diarrhea, to treat catharsis; .

Both positive treatment and anti-treatment are aimed at the essence of the disease, and both belong to the category of seeking the root of the disease.

Written by Dr. Chen Guoqiang, a registered member of the Malaysian Federation of Chinese Physicians and Acupuncture and Moxibustion (Medical Federation)


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