“Healthy China Youth Tour? Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Popular Science Volunteer Service Project” officially launched


In order to deeply integrate into the party building and lead grassroots governance actions, focusing on cultivating public welfare service youth social organizations, on March 28, hosted by the Tianjin Youth League Committee, Municipal Health and Health Commission, Municipal Civilization Office and other units, co-organized by Tianjin Binhai Rural Commercial Bank and Chest Hospital The “Cheng’Save”Heart’Students”—Healthy Chinese Youth Tour · Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Science Popularization Volunteer Service Project was launched in Tianjin University of Science and Technology.

During the event, the first batch of cardiopulmonary resuscitation training demonstration bases represented by Tianjin Binhai Rural Commercial Bank were released, and 6 representatives from the Tianjin Special Police Corps and Jinnan Xiaozhan Town came from party and government agencies, universities, villages and towns communities, enterprises, emerging Field CPR science popularization volunteer representatives presented the flag.

A cardiopulmonary resuscitation science promotion and education area was set up at the event site, and the Tianjin Chest Pain Center Alliance established a science popularization expert database of 100 people to carry out cardiopulmonary resuscitation first aid skills popularization for the masses, improve self-protection awareness, and enhance emergency rescue capabilities.

In recent years, under the leadership of the Party Committee of the head office, Tianjin Binhai Rural Commercial Bank has established a volunteer team of more than 400 people with young party members and league members as the backbone, combining voluntary activities with daily work, showing service characteristics, and promoting the spirit of dedication. Special voluntary brands such as voluntary blood donation, anti-fraud publicity, and college entrance examination assistance have been formed, and a number of advanced groups have emerged such as “Jin Huiqiong Volunteer Service Team”, “Binhai Bank Business Department Excellent Lei Feng Volunteer Service Station”, and “Yingcheng Sub-branch Tianjin V Station”.

As the co-organizer of this event and the representative of the first batch of cardiopulmonary resuscitation science training demonstration bases, Tianjin Binhai Rural Commercial Bank will actively respond to the requirements of the Healthy China strategy, establish an emergency response mechanism for employee health, form a youth emergency rescue volunteer service team, and gradually deploy AED cardiac The defibrillator closely integrates the bank’s age-appropriate financial service function with the medical emergency system, better serves the public and customers through the “finance + medical” model, and uses practical actions to practice the mission of protecting the rights and interests of financial consumers, and continues to create ” A warm bank”.


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