Apple Worldwide Developers Conference will open on June 6, Beijing time


According to Apple’s official information,Apple Worldwide Developers Conference will open on June 6th, Beijing timeCupertino, California, Apple announced today that it will hold its annual Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) online from June 6th to 10th, 2023 Beijing time , and held a special open day experience at Apple Park for developers and students to participate on-site.

  WWDC23 is free and open to all developers, aiming to showcase the cutting-edge innovations of iOS, iPadOS, macOS, watchOS and tvOS. In line with Apple’s enduring commitment to helping developers create innovative apps, developers at the event will have a unique channel to connect with Apple engineers and gain insight into new technologies and tools to help them realize their vision.

In addition to keynotes and announcements from the Platforms State of the Union, this year’s conference will include lectures, one-on-one labs, and networking opportunities with Apple engineers and other developers. Developers and students will also have the opportunity to participate in a special event at Apple Park on June 6, Beijing time, to watch keynote speeches and Platforms State of the Union with the global online community. Event space is limited, and registration information will be posted on the Apple developer website and app.

WWDC23 also supports student developers through the Swift Student Challenge. The Swift Student Challenge is one of Apple’s many programs to help developers and learners of all ages who love coding improve their skills. Swift Playgrounds is an innovative app for iPad and Mac that allows users to learn the Swift programming language in an interactive and fun way. This year’s challenge invites students from around the world to create a Swift Playgrounds app project on a theme of their choice. This year’s challenge is now open, and participants can submit their works before April 20, Beijing time. For more information, visit the Swift Student Challenge.

Before the official start of WWDC23, Apple will share more conference information through the Apple Developer app and the Apple developer website.


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