[Love Wants Sexual Blessing Series 305]Baby safety, less pain, belly scars, recovery, slow caesarean section, pros and cons

[Love Wants Sexual Blessing Series 305]Baby safety, less pain, belly scars, recovery, slow caesarean section, pros and cons


Transcript: Liang Yingxiu

The mode of delivery can be divided into natural delivery and caesarean section.

In fact, there is no difference between the two methods, but it depends on which one is suitable for you.

Under normal circumstances, natural childbirth will recover faster and the hospital stay will be shorter, while caesarean section is close to the mode of surgical treatment, which requires time for recovery and longer hospital stay.

(Kuala Lumpur News) In the last issue, we talked about the advantages and disadvantages of natural childbirth for mothers and babies. In this issue, we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of caesarean section for mothers and babies.

In terms of the safety of pregnant women, natural childbirth is less dangerous, because it does not require surgery, bleeding risks, and anesthesia injections; due to the development of modern medicine, the anesthesia risk of caesarean section has also been reduced to very low. You may also choose to perform surgery with partial anesthesia.

Expenses are higher than natural production

Huang Guochong, a specialist in obstetrics and fertility, said that the second disadvantage of caesarean section is that there will be knife marks on the belly of the parturient. Generally, the knife marks on the upper and lower abdomen will be about 2 cm above the pubic bone. Doctors call it the beginning. Scar (beginning scar or pfannenstiel scar).

“Some pregnant women have sensitive skin, and the knife marks may turn into thicker scars, called keloids. To avoid this situation, you can apply some ointment to the wound, which has a lower chance of causing keloids.”

Some women will experience sticky stomach after Caesarean section, causing them to feel stomach pain in the future. But the chances of this happening are very low.

He reminded that if the operation is performed vertically, the chance of sticking will be higher, because the vertical incision is from top to bottom, not horizontal.

“Another disadvantage of caesarean section is the price. Compared with natural delivery, it will be more expensive. The pain of caesarean section is generally less painful than that of natural delivery.”

In the last issue, we talked about some women who had to undergo caesarean section because they could not give birth naturally. Afterwards, the doctor asked her how much pain she would have. They all said that the pain of caesarean section was lower than that of natural labor!

He said that caesarean section is also relatively safe for the baby, because it only takes about 10 to 15 minutes from the time the doctor starts the operation to the baby is born, and the baby can be “born”.

“Because the baby does not have to go through the natural birth process of 7 or 8 hours, because in the natural birth process, there are some risks. Sometimes the baby will have the problem of lack of oxygen in the brain, so the problem of caesarean section is not a problem. will happen.”

Cesarean babies have weaker stomachs

It was also mentioned in the previous issue that the amniotic fluid in the lungs of cesarean babies cannot be excreted because the water in their lungs has not been squeezed by the birth canal. Therefore, some babies born by cesarean will have some problems with shortness of breath, so these babies need to be given oxygen for a while. After two days it will be fine.

He said that babies born by caesarean section did not absorb the probiotics in the birth canal because they did not pass through the birth canal, so the baby’s stomach may be weaker, but mothers don’t have to worry, there are special formula milk powder on the market to help babies.

“What is the reason or justification for having a C-section?

C-sections can be divided into two categories:

The first is an elective cesarean section;

The second category is emergency cesarean section. “

Preventive caesarean section means that before the pregnant woman gives birth, the doctor thinks that the pregnant woman is not suitable for natural delivery and must have a caesarean section; while emergency caesarean section means that when a pregnant woman enters the delivery room, she originally wants to give birth. Natural birth, but suddenly some emergencies caused the doctor to order the mother to give birth to the baby by caesarean section.

Caesarean section is necessary for several reasons

Under what circumstances do pregnant women need preventive cesarean delivery? Huang Guochong said that there were several reasons why a caesarean section was necessary.

1.Pelvic stenosis (cephalopelvic disproportion, cpd). This means that the size of the baby is slightly different from the size of the pelvis and vagina, resulting in the baby not being able to go through the birth canal naturally.

It may be that the baby is too large or the pelvis is too narrow. It is a comparison. For example, when the baby is small but the mother’s pelvis is too narrow, it cannot be born naturally through the birth canal; but if the baby is too large, for example, the baby weighs 3.8 kg, and the pregnant mother’s pelvis is large enough, so the pregnant mother may also give birth naturally.

2.Placenta praevia (placenta praevia), also known as a low placenta. Placenta previa means that the placenta is in the lower part of the uterus or covers the exit of the uterus, so the fetus cannot be born naturally through the birth canal and must be delivered by cesarean section.

3.Breech delivery. The buttocks are below the uterus, and the head is above the uterus, commonly known as “baby sitting on the lotus”.

In the past, this kind of “baby sitting on the lotus” could be given natural delivery. Later, many clinical trials were done on this subject abroad, and it was found that if the buttocks are delivered, the risk is particularly high for the baby, so the doctor will recommend caesarean delivery. to reduce risk.

4.Malposition. The fetus may be horizontal or oblique. This type is not suitable for natural birth, because the fetal position is not correct. Once the amniotic fluid bursts, the baby’s umbilical cord may be washed out by the amniotic fluid, which will cause great harm to the baby.

5.Two cesarean deliveries. If the first caesarean section is delivered, then the second pregnant mother can choose to give birth naturally, but if the pregnant mother has already had two caesarean sections, the third one must also have a caesarean section and natural delivery is not allowed.

6.Pregnant women with gestational hypertension are not suitable for natural childbirth, because during natural childbirth, once the pain starts, blood pressure will naturally rise, which will affect the mother. Therefore, for the safety of the baby and mother, doctors do not allow natural childbirth.

In addition, there are some medical history. For example, a pregnant woman with heart disease is not suitable for natural delivery, because she needs to use a lot of strength to push the baby out during the delivery process, and her heart will be hurt because of the pain, so it is not suitable for natural delivery. Production.


Most women choosecaesarean section

In today’s society, many pregnant women request cesarean delivery because they are worried about the pain of natural childbirth.

In foreign countries, most mothers are also worried about the relaxation of the vagina after natural delivery, and they also choose caesarean section, because they pay more attention to the pleasure of sex.

The most common reason for emergency cesarean delivery is fetal distress, that is, during the delivery process, the fetus has some symptoms, and generally the fetal heart rate will drop, so the fetus is not suitable for natural delivery, and a cesarean section must be performed. Otherwise, it may affect the fetus.

Umbilical cord detachment necessitates laparotomy

The second reason may be that the delivery time is too long. For example, if it is a primiparous woman, the labor process has exceeded 12 hours, and the cervix has not yet expanded, so a caesarean section may be required.

The third reason is cord prolapse, that is, when the amniotic fluid breaks, the umbilical cord will be washed out. This situation is not suitable for natural delivery, and the baby must be taken out by emergency caesarean section.

“Sometimes, there may be an abortion placental that bleeds profusely and an emergency caesarean section is necessary.

Some pregnant women will have epilepsy, that is, pregnant women who do not have high blood pressure but suddenly have high blood pressure during childbirth, and there is protein in the urine.

There are several methods of anesthesia for cesarean delivery:

1. Spinal anesthesia;

2. General anesthesia;

3. Epidural

Partial anesthesia is safe for babies

Half-body anesthesia is the most commonly used, and it is the best for pregnant women and babies, because unlike general anesthesia, those anesthetic drugs may “run” into the baby’s body, so pregnant women who have half-body anesthesia will have pain soon after the baby is born. Crying, so semi-anesthesia is relatively safe for the baby and very safe for the mother; but not every mother is suitable for semi-anesthesia, some such as pregnant women with low placenta, placenta previa or maternal spinal cord injury Curved, these are not suitable for half linen.

If the general anesthesia is in a particularly urgent situation, such as the umbilical cord falling off, general anesthesia may be necessary; in a particularly urgent situation, a large amount of maternal bleeding must also be given general anesthesia.

As for painless childbirth, if the mother uses epidural to relieve pain during childbirth, if it is not suitable or can not give birth naturally in the middle of the childbirth, it must be replaced by caesarean section. They can also use epidural plus some drugs to directly switch to surgery. Caesarean section.


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