A number of music festival parties are about to appear to create a new social and cultural scene


  Tianjin North Net News: Under the current fast-paced and intense pressure background, young people are the main force of new consumption, and the concept of pleasing themselves has become the main trend. Consumers pay more attention to the sense of experience, immersion and interaction of consumption. It is more inclined to leisure and entertainment, soothing the body and mind, and strengthening the interactive and experiential entertainment consumption model. The emergence of new consumer demand has spurred the emergence of new formats, and it is also the general trend to meet consumer needs with new industrial chains and entertainment models.

Music Festivals and Live Shows have continuously evolved into a unique business format, showing individual consumption habits and experiences, attracting consumers with super interactivity and immersion, and providing souls for independent music lovers. On the basis of upgrading, it drives the development of urban cultural added value. The music festival pays more attention to the clear sense of rhythm and the carnival on the scene, to appreciate the elegance and madness of the art palace, and to enjoy the joy and release brought by music. Dazzling lights and shocking sound waves bring people a double wonderful visual and auditory enjoyment. The hearty bursts of musicians and the audience’s high-spirited dance bring more pressure release to young people, and close interaction brings people A more unique musical experience.

In March, there will be many music festivals in Tianjin, in which many well-known bands and musicians will make wonderful appearances, communicate with music, communicate with music, soothe the body and mind in music, feel the joy, and feel the joy in the free rhythm . The music festival’s close social interaction, colorful themed activities and unexpected activities are fascinating, dreaming back to the lush years of youth and falling into an immersive holiday atmosphere.

  “Yanlord Isetan & Modern Sky Cherry Blossom Music Party” is here

Yanlord Isetan teamed up with China’s well-known independent music company Modern Sky to create a music-themed event “Yanlord Isetan & Modern Sky Cherry Blossom Music Party” 2023 Tianjin debut show will be sung at 17:30 on Saturday, March 18 Ring the whole city! Modern Sky’s “SummerVapour Summer Solstice Dream” band, “Soft Sour Juice” band, “Frankfurt Helmet” and the band “Gao Jiafeng JIAFENG” will all be present. Sparkling notes and cool music give the scene extraordinary appeal. During the fan meeting, Modern Sky Star Band will interact closely with fans and sign autographs. Wang Yeqing, the popular DJ of Tianjin Music Broadcasting, will act as the live host, wake up your ears with the restless Live Show, and feel the powerful rhythm of rock music with everyone!

  “Green Bee National Tide Music Festival” is now assembled From March 25th, all the people are crazy

The “Green Bee National Tide Music Festival” will be opened on March 25th in Jinghai Guanghegu Tourist Resort, Tianjin. At that time, bands such as Noble Band, Zheng Hong, Liu Ruiqi, Mr. Turtle, Cui Jian, Clockwork Camuso, and Second-Hand Rose will make wonderful appearances.




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