Guoquan Shihui Yang Mingchao: Create a wind vane of brand innovation ecology


Recently, the list of key service unicorn (potential) enterprises in Shanghai in 2023 came to an end, and Guoquan Shihui, a well-known digital new retail enterprise of community catering, won the “2022 Shanghai key service unicorn enterprise”. As a “synonym” for the innovation and development of the industry, “unicorn” enterprises are the vane for measuring the innovation capability and innovation ecology of a country or region. This listing is undoubtedly an affirmation of Guoquan Shihui’s innovative strength.

Yang Mingchao, the founder of Guoquan Shihui, once said that one of the main reasons why Guoquan Shihui can stand out in the food and catering industry is that Guoquan actively embraces innovation.

Guoquan Shihui was established in 2017. It started with hot pot and barbecue ingredients. After 6 years of polishing, it has developed into a representative enterprise of digital new retail for community catering, covering hot pot, barbecue, lo mei, one-person food, fast food, and drinks. , Western food, fresh food and other eight categories of scenarios, among the 700+ SKUs, more than 90% are self-developed by Guoquan, which can meet the diverse dining needs of community residents.

As a new species and a unicorn enterprise, Guoquan Shihui has been exploring the digital new retail path of community catering, and has innovated and developed a third home catering solution besides “buying vegetables and cooking at home” and “delivery to home”. , to provide community residents with more diverse, higher-quality, more convenient, and more cost-effective home dining options. Deeply cultivating the “eating at home” track, Guoquan aims to become the largest new retail company for home catering in China, the largest production and sales company for prepared dishes in China, and become the entrance to the dining tables of hundreds of millions of families in China.

Yang Mingchao said that with the improvement of consumers’ living standards, the requirements for food quality are getting higher and higher. This is both an opportunity and a challenge for food companies. In his view, truly outstanding companies that can resist the cycle must have their own unique core products.

Therefore, in addition to paying attention to food safety and quality, Guoquan Shihui is also constantly exploring excellent and characteristic categories, and incubating large single products and popular products. For example, in order to find a hot pot base that fits the Sichuan-Chongqing flavor, the Guoquan team tasted pepper varieties from all over the country, and repeatedly tested the degree of numbness and spiciness of the peppers before finalizing the ingredients and recipe. Another example is Maodu, which is indispensable in Sichuan-Chongqing hot pot. Guoquan innovated the flavor and taste of Maodu, and launched the “Bai Fumei” in the world of Maodu – Guoquan White Jade Crispy Maodu.

Guoquan Shihui starts from users and is loyal to products. It integrates its own advantages to solve the pain points of people’s home-based catering. Personalized, diversified, high-quality products and services for high-quality consumer demand.


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