Haidian Financial “Living Water” helps Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas to develop high-quality


A few days ago, Beijing Satellite TV’s “Beijing News” column focused on the role of financial policies in Haidian District, Beijing, in the development of high-tech companies, and conducted in-depth reports on the financial office, investment institutions, and high-tech companies in Haidian District. Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas, as a representative of high-tech enterprises in Haidian District, has further achieved rapid and stable development under the influence of the “source of living water” of Haidian Finance. Fang Lei, chairman of the company, was interviewed.

In recent years, the financial industry in Haidian District has achieved positive results in serving the real economy and preventing and controlling financial risks. The government’s organizational guidance and exemplary role have attracted more venture capital institutions to focus on Haidian. Fang Lei said in the interview, “As an independent innovative high-tech company, it needs a large amount of long-term and continuous investment in science and technology. Thanks to a series of financial policies in Haidian District, Beijing, we have a huge market competition Under the pressure, we have received a lot of guidance and support, further driving the attention of social capital to Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas, which is crucial to the rapid development of the company.”

As a national professional and new “little giant” enterprise, Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas has focused on the continuous development and construction of data intelligence basic software since its establishment, with AI cutting-edge technologies such as automatic machine learning, deep learning, and causal learning as the core. Innovate an “open, automatic, and cloud-native” data science product system, combine high-quality technical services and high-tech products with high availability and low threshold, and provide AI power for my country’s digital intelligence upgrade.

Technology research and development is the first productive force for enterprise development. Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas invests more than 30% of its revenue in product research and development every year, continuously innovates product systems and product functions in the field of data intelligence, enhances the independent innovation ability of AI technology, and enables independent The fusion application of a variety of open source heavy tools and artificial intelligence technology has filled the gap in the market for many high-performance AI tools in the fields of AutoML and causal learning, and achieved major innovation breakthroughs.

In the past year, Haidian’s financial industry has continued its steady upward development trend, direct financing and indirect financing of enterprises have gone hand in hand, and the role of financial “source of living water” has been fully demonstrated. In 2022, Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas will complete the C+ round of financing. This financing fully reflects the capital market’s recognition of the company’s technology research and development route and business scale application.

Jiuzhang Yunji DataCanvas will continue to invest in the research and development and upgrading of data intelligence basic software, maintain the determination of independent innovation, help the government, finance, communication, manufacturing and other industries to make a good start and start, and contribute to the development of artificial intelligence in my country. Contribute to the development of the industry.



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