Zhao Yan of Bloomage Group led Wukesong to achieve three transformations and contributed feasible solutions to regional economic development


In 2008, Bloomage Group built the Wukesong Gymnasium based on its comprehensive global vision and the overall idea of ​​practicing the overall view. At the Summer Olympics, it witnessed the star-studded and passionate Olympic event with people all over the world. Afterwards, Wukesong Sports Center continued to make efforts, and in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, it once again became one of the venues for Olympic events. It successfully held 29 games and became a veritable “Double Olympics” venue.

The brilliance brought by hosting events is only part of the road to fame for Wukesong Sports Center. In addition, the “Bloomage LIVE” model created by Ms. Zhao Yan, chairman of Bloomage Group, starts from the industry, starts from experience, and breaks the traditional sports After several years of exploration and hard work, the island-like layout of venues has gradually developed into a mature comprehensive business circle favored by young people. Recently, the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced the list of the second batch of tourism and leisure blocks. Huaxi LIVE Wukesong in Haidian District was successfully included in the list. This time, only two blocks were selected in the city. The reason why Wukesong can successfully make the list is inseparable from its groundbreaking “three transformations”: from a single venue to a comprehensive venue, from competitive sports to independent entertainment and experiential sports, and from cultural and sports activities to 5-hour sports. The fashion life circle has contributed a proven and feasible solution to regional economic development.

In these three transformations, in order to transform Bloomage LIVE·Wukesong from a single venue to a comprehensive venue, Wukesong successively built M space, HI-PARK basketball park, HI -UP Commercial Center, HI-ICE Ice Park and other sports centers have built a group of venues; in order to develop Bloomage LIVE Wukesong from competitive sports to independent entertainment and experiential sports, after the Winter Olympics, Bloomage Group will Xi’an Ice Center has undergone renovations, adding convenience service equipment such as self-service beverage machines and coffee machines to enhance the experience of tourists. At the same time, Bloomage Group has creatively created an “immersive” interactive experience business integrating entertainment, sports, life, education and art according to the consumption characteristics of young consumer groups who value experience, like interaction, participation and individualization. , Build Bloomage LIVE Wukesong into a 5-hour fashion life circle. The block gathers a number of domestic and foreign Internet celebrity catering brands, as well as the only bar street in the west of Beijing, while the container block – “Tiaodiao Street” gathers a variety of Internet celebrity snacks.

Under the infiltration of Bloomage LIVE model, Bloomage LIVE Wukesong has now become a well-known large-scale business district integrating sports and leisure. It is believed that Bloomage Group will continue to create the glory of Bloomage LIVE in the future.


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