?How to keep the skin firm?La Prairie’s new products offer SPA-level anti-aging experience


The natural enemy of young skin is time. When the traces of the years creep up on the face, how to keep the skin firm has become the ultimate skin care problem that plagues countless people. La Prairie, a skin care brand that originated in Switzerland, has always been committed to researching skin aging problems, integrating Swiss precision, scientific innovation and rare ingredients into the beauty experience. SPA-level frozen age experience.

La Prairie’s team of scientists found that the vertical pillars give the skin structure indispensable stability, making the skin firm on the muscle base, but it will gradually weaken with the passage of time. The skin as a whole is affected by gravity, and the face begins to relax and tighten. The severity decreases, the contour is no longer clear, and the generation of deep wrinkles is accelerated.

Because of the essential importance of the vertical pillars, La Prairie scientists have collaborated with the Swiss Bioanalytical Laboratory to develop a ground-breaking test protocol to identify and quantify the components of the vertical pillars of the skin.

A new milestone in caviar technology

The results of the research clearly show that the aging phenomenon of the skin is improved, the skin structure is denser, and the signs of aging seem to be reversed. On this basis, La Prairie combines a variety of unique caviar ingredients, combined with unique high-efficiency active ingredients and skin care effects, which help to significantly strengthen skin functions and reshape strong skin. Zoran Caviar Compound Essence was born: 35 years of caviar technology, everything is under control.

Take control of the youthful and harmonious beauty of the skin

Caviar Super Lifting Essence*, which is full of sublime caviar complex essence, gives the skin an unprecedented lifting and firming effect.

The unique microfluidic technology formula allows the microcapsule particles contained in Caviar Super Essence* to melt on the skin. The ingenious texture instantly melts into a light and translucent essence, which is silky on the skin and tightens the skin to the touch. After using it consistently for a period of time, the facial contours can be retracement, the skin will be plump again, and the lines will be smoothed and rejuvenated. The youthful and harmonious beauty of the skin is under control.

After cleansing and toning, start the Caviar Skincare Ritual. After Caviar Firming Serum, apply Caviar Super Lifting Serum*. One dropper is an appropriate amount, place in palm and spread. To complete this skincare ritual, use Anti-Gravity Serum** in conjunction with Caviar Luxurious Rich Cream or Caviar Luxurious Light Cream to create a web for skin strength that lifts both vertically and horizontally , not only makes the outline clearly visible, but also makes the face plump and full, freezes the youthful state, and realizes an inner balance and harmony.

Shape Design and Function

The minimalist cylindrical bottle of Caviar Super Essence* and its inner dropper-shaped design are inspired by the Bauhaus art school. La Prairie’s own team of Bauhaus female artists embodies their unique creative pursuit of harmonious beauty. Reinterpreted to achieve a dynamic balance between form and function. The microfluidic essence formula is hidden deep in the cobalt blue bottle, which is upgraded to a harmonious and even beauty with unique charm.

Although aging is an unavoidable natural law, in the process of this natural journey, proper preparations can delay aging to a certain extent and keep the skin firm. La Prairie’s new Caviar Essence is rooted in the vertical dimension of the skin, injecting new vitality into the 35-year-old brand caviar technology, and also showing the world the harmony and harmony of natural beauty and skin care products, and the inheritance and symbiosis.

*It is the nickname of La Prairie Caviar Essence Sculpting Essence Liquid. Super-Scale only represents the brand’s pursuit of the concept of product improvement, and has nothing to do with product efficacy.

* *It is the nickname of La Prairie Caviar Essence Qionggui Firming Face Liquid. Anti-gravity only represents the pursuit of the brand concept and has nothing to do with product efficacy.


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