Zhumi Technology won the “Magnetic Engine Annual Influential Brand List” TOP3 in the home appliance industry


Recently, with its strong comprehensive strength, Zhumi Technology has successfully won the “Magnetic Engine Annual Influential Brand List” home appliance industry TOP3, highlighting its development of emerging e-commerce channels and the speed of its rapid breakthrough, which has attracted widespread attention from the e-commerce and home appliance industries .

  pursueBrand comprehensive strengthAgainwonIndustry recognition

It is understood that the “Magnetic Engine Annual Influential Brand List” was launched by Kuaishou, which has a wide range of influence in the field of e-commerce, attracting many top brands in the home appliance industry to participate, and the competition is fierce. The selection process is rigorous and fair. Through a set of scientific system models, multiple indicators such as comprehensive brand strength, market volume, user reach, content quality, interactive activity, and user praise are comprehensively evaluated and calculated. It truly and objectively presents the brand strength and reflects the brand’s operating status and growth status.

It is not only a manifestation of product strength and channel development ability, but also a recognition of the market and consumers that Zhuimi Technology ranks on the TOP3 list. As the world’s leading manufacturer of smart products, ZMI Technology is at the forefront of industry development in many key technical fields such as high-speed brushless digital motors, aerodynamics, robot mapping and navigation, reserves a large number of core patented technologies, and continues to promote the latest The product application transformation of scientific research achievements has set foot in multiple business fields such as intelligent sweeping robots, floor washing machines, wireless vacuum cleaners and hair dryers, which has played an important role in the prosperity of the home appliance market and enrichment of consumer choices.

  Emphasis on new e-commerce formats and continuous improvement of service levels

In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, many new changes have taken place in the market environment, and some new e-commerce business models have emerged. In order to better adapt to the changes in the environment, when perfecting the layout of offline channels and traditional e-commerce channels, Zhuimi Technology has increased the development of emerging e-commerce channels, continued to study user needs, enriched channel gameplay, strengthened user interaction, and created a A complete business chain integrating high-quality content production and distribution, user consultation and interaction, product sales and services, to comprehensively improve service levels.

E-commerce analysts pointed out that the new e-commerce model is different from the traditional one, and it pays more attention to the continuous operation of users, and needs more high-quality content that can stimulate interest and trigger interaction, transform platform traffic into brand traffic, and improve user brand loyalty , to achieve rapid and healthy development. In this regard, Mimi Technology has made a lot of explorations, obtained good market feedback, and provided experience for other brands to learn from. It is listed in the “Magnetic Engine Annual Influential Brand List” TOP3 in the home appliance industry, and it deserves its name.


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