“Shu Shuo Tianjin Flavor” city report released: Traditional Tianjin cuisine is rejuvenating on Douyin


The spring of 2023 will come as promised, and the domestic catering market will also usher in “spring”. Under the background of recovery and rejuvenation of the catering industry in various places, the Urban New Food Generation (Tianjin Station) and “Exploring Tianjin in the Business District” was organized by the Tianjin Municipal Party Committee Cyberspace Administration, the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Commerce, and the Douyin Life Service Platform. “The activity officially started.

The conference released the city report “Tianjin Flavors by Numbers”, presenting “Tianjin on Douyin” with graphic display and clear and easy-to-understand data, analyzing the characteristics of Tianjin’s catering consumption, and helping catering businesses to better meet the opportunities and opportunities brought about by the recovery. challenge.

In Douyin, Tianjin showed 58 billion+ times

Douyin check-in has now become a way for people to record a better life. In 2022, the video playback volume of Tianjin-related keywords in Douyin will be 58 billion+ times, and the user interaction will be 1 billion times. At the node, the number of Douyin users checking in exploded to the top, with a total of 7.1 million+ people checking in Tianjin throughout the year.

The 31-40-year-old female group has become the main force of gourmet check-in

In 2022, in Tianjin, food-related videos will be clocked in 3.7 million times, second only to playing and shopping. In terms of consumer groups, women are the main force in catering and gourmet check-ins, and the most users are aged 31 to 40. It can be seen that women in this age group have great consumption potential. In terms of regions, users in Binhai New Area, Xiqing District, and Jinnan District are the most enthusiastic about punching in Tianjin cuisine.

The number of gourmet creators continues to rise

The soaring popularity of Tianjin cuisine on the Douyin platform is inseparable from the fact that more and more local food creators continue to output for love and create high-quality content around food.

In 2022, the number of food creators in Tianjin will increase to 6,500, an increase of 62% from the beginning of the year. The store-exploring video is their best work, with an average of 61,000 videos per month. Among them, no matter in terms of creativity or influence, gourmet creators with more than 10,000 fans have accumulated 3.8 billion views throughout the year.

Catering merchants establish business positions in Douyin Life Services

Today, Douyin’s online planting and ordering-offline verification and check-in mode has become more and more popular, forming new consumption habits among users. As the influence of Douyin Life Service in the catering industry increases, more and more catering businesses choose to enter the Douyin Life Service and embrace digital operations. In Tianjin, the three major categories of fast food snacks, drinks, and local dishes accounted for 53%.

In the past two years, content forms such as short videos and live broadcasts have given the catering industry more visual means of presentation, affecting people’s catering decisions and becoming an important basis for people to decide “what to eat”.

Douyin life services are also becoming an important driving force to stimulate interest and action in catering consumption, help catering businesses recover, and promote the recovery and prosperity of the urban catering economy.


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