E-sports drives the growth of the keyboard market, and SKYLOONG breaks through customization


In recent years, with the popularity of e-sports markets at home and abroad, electronic products such as mechanical keyboards have also become popular. E-sports fans, network anchors, game enthusiasts and other groups tend to buy game-specific mechanical keyboards to enhance entertainment experience, which directly promotes the growth of total demand for mechanical keyboards.

With the continuous development of e-sports games, the needs of consumers have shown a trend of diversification. The demand for mechanical keyboards is no longer limited to practicality and aesthetics, but extends to the degree of freedom of equipment, “custom This proposition is placed in front of the major peripheral manufacturers.

Xiaodu Chong took the lead in entering the customization track, and with its core technology patents, it opened a hole in the domestic keyboard market, bringing truly leading and geek customized keyboard products to the industry and consumers, and promoting customization Comprehensive conceptual innovation and technical innovation. Recently, Lao Chen, the founder of Xiaodong, said on Sina Weibo, “To celebrate the return of the Chinese trademark ‘Xiaodong’, Xiaodong will launch the ‘Crazy Kit Festival’ on March 3rd.” There will be a lot of fun benefits , to give back to the fans who have always supported the little nerd.

(The founder of the nerd released the news of the Crazy Kit Festival)

Create truly customized products

With the expansion of the market size of the mechanical keyboard industry, many smart hardware companies and Internet companies have entered the mechanical keyboard industry one after another. A large number of keyboard manufacturers and products with customization as their selling point have emerged in the market, but many companies only define customization in a narrow sense. Because “keycaps and shafts can be customized”, the wave of customization of mechanical keyboards has not really prevailed.

Lao Chen, the founder of Xiaobuchong, believes that this is an opportunity for Xiaobuchong to break through. He believes that it is a good thing that everyone has a different understanding of customization. “We have our own understanding of customization, which will be reflected in our products. This is exactly everyone’s unique understanding of nerds.”

It is understood that, as a keyboard brand under Geek Customization, the whole series of products adopt the latest low-latency multi-chip 3-mode wireless kit, and the wireless module uses Nordic low-latency anti-jamming chipset. Quoting a review video that was very popular some time ago—the time-delayed evaluation of 21 3-mode mechanical keyboards (wired, 2.4g, bluetooth). delayed performance. In this “examination”, the performance of the little nerd is outstanding: whether it is wired mode, 2.4g wireless mode, or bluetooth mode, the connection method performance is very good. In terms of the technical index of “low latency”, it is the best among domestic manufacturers. It is leading in the middle and is close to the first-tier international manufacturers, which shows that the technical strength of the small worm should not be underestimated.

(The nerdy keyboard is close to the international Logitech and Corsair in the wired delay test)

(Small keyboard far exceeds other domestic manufacturers in the 2.4G delay test)

(Gimmy Keyboard performed well in the Bluetooth latency test)

“Our understanding of customization does not simply understand that the achievement is the customization of certain components, such as high-priced keycaps, such as appearance design, which we will reflect in playability, such as our patent for the rotary button and the patent for split spaces. It is to make the keyboard more customizable.” Based on the idea of ​​customization, Xiaobu Chong has indeed brought a lot of “micro-innovations” to the industry.


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