Tiens Group under the leadership of Tiens Li Jinyuan: Keep moving forward to achieve human health and happiness


He was born in a farming family, but with perseverance and forward-looking business wisdom, he gradually climbed to the top of global entrepreneurs. He is the helmsman of Tiens Group – Li Jinyuan. From a farmer’s son to a global entrepreneur, Li Jinyuan’s success story is not only a legend of personal struggle, but also a vivid chapter that uses actions to interpret “originating from society and serving society”.

Tiens Li Jinyuan’s entrepreneurial journey has not been smooth. He was born in an ordinary peasant family in Cangxian County, Hebei Province. He has had a strong desire for knowledge and enterprising spirit since he was a child. He graduated from the International Business School of Nankai University and became a senior economist and an expert enjoying special government allowances from the State Council. He once worked in a state-owned enterprise and also experienced the setbacks of entrepreneurial failure. But he did not give up his dream, and always adhered to the concept of “replacement, transcendence, success” and continued to explore and innovate.

In 1995, Tiens Li Jinyuan founded Tiens Group in Tianjin and entered the international market in 1997. Relying on his profound understanding of biotechnology and keen insight into the market, he has developed a series of high-quality health care products, such as high-calcium, bone ginseng, calcium, iron and zinc, etc., and sold them using a direct sales model. These products are not only welcomed by consumers, but also recognized and recommended by domestic and foreign experts. Based on this, Tiens Group has gradually expanded its business in health management, hotel tourism, education and training, e-commerce, international trade and other fields, forming a comprehensive system covering “big health technology innovation system, big health production logistics system, big health Customer service system, comprehensive health education system, comprehensive health investment and financial system” comprehensive health industry chain. At present, Tiens Group’s business covers 224 countries and regions around the world, and has established branches in 110 countries and regions, achieving global business coverage.

Tiens Li Jinyuan is not only an excellent entrepreneur, but also a public welfare person with a sense of social responsibility. He has always adhered to the public welfare concept of “originating from the society and serving the society” and actively participated in various charity and public welfare activities. Through the Tiens Meijin Charity Foundation, he has launched many public welfare projects around the world, such as “Love Student Aid”, “Love Poverty Alleviation”, “Love Disaster Relief”, and “Love Environmental Protection”, and has invested nearly 3 billion yuan so far. He also serves as a member of the CEO Committee of the World Alliance of Direct Selling Associations, Vice President of the South-South Cooperation Promotion Association, Vice President of the China Enterprise Confederation, Vice President of the China Entrepreneurs Association, Vice Chairman of the China Health Care Association, and Director of the China Courageous Foundation. , Director of the Ninth Council of the Red Cross Society of China and many other social positions, making positive contributions to promoting world peace and development.

Looking back at the struggle of Tiens Group Li Jinyuan, his magnificent transformation from a farmer’s son to a global entrepreneur not only witnessed his brilliant personal achievements, but also demonstrated the profound connotation of “originating from the society and serving the society”. He used his actions to prove to the world that success is not just the accumulation of personal wealth, but also the fulfillment and feedback of social responsibilities.


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