Minjiang is full of books, senior citizens gather together? Chengdu Library opens a new chapter in urban and rural knowledge sharing


On April 13, 2024, the Chengdu Library’s “Senior Citizen” event entered Minjiang Academy and held a special sharing session on “Ancient Shu thoroughfare – ancient transportation in Chengdu”. Hu Risen, a famous historical and cultural scholar, narrated the story to the silver-haired readers present. About the rich history and culture of Chengdu’s external communications in ancient times. This lecture will enhance citizens’ understanding of Chengdu’s history and culture through in-depth and simple sharing, promote excellent traditional culture, and at the same time strengthen the exchange and integration of urban and rural cultures.

Senior citizens gathered together to talk about the ancient Taoism of Bashu

“The road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to reach the blue sky” is a historical description of the complex terrain and difficult transportation in and out of the Sichuan Basin. Professor Hu used relaxed and humorous language to talk about the natural geographical advantages of the Chengdu Plain and how Chengdu has become an important city with prosperous commerce and cultural integration in the long history. It also introduced in detail important passages such as the ancient Shu Road and the Ancient Tea-Horse Road. These roads are not only important routes for material exchange, but also bridges for cultural exchange. He also shared the historical background of Chengdu’s openness and inclusiveness, and how it influenced and shaped Chengdu’s urban characteristics and cultural temperament.

The day’s event attracted the attention of many history enthusiasts. A large number of precious historical pictures and ancient documents were interspersed in the lecture, making the lecture content vivid and persuasive. Through in-depth and simple explanations, the readers present have a more intuitive understanding of the transportation in ancient Chengdu.

Cultural integration illuminates new wisdom in urban and rural areas

In recent years, Chengdu Library has specially created the “Chengtu Senior Club” reading promotion activity brand for the elderly. By carefully selecting various types of outstanding teachers, it has launched a variety of public cultural service activities to better meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the elderly. , allowing the elderly to keep pace with the times and integrate into the times. The “Chengtu Elderly Gathering” activity is divided into three major sections: the Silver Age Lecture Hall, the Silver Age Literature and Art Salon, and the Silver Age Style Exhibition. The content involves the dissemination of intangible cultural heritage, health and wellness lectures, lectures on popularizing knowledge about fraud prevention for the elderly, cultural and artistic training, etc. Diversified characteristic theme activities and brand activities have been carried out in dozens of communities in Chengdu.

This event is the first time that the Chengdu Library Senior Center brand project has been carried out integrating urban and rural culture. Minjiang Academy is an off-library branch of the Chengdu Library. With the core of “dissemination, inheritance and promotion of Shu studies”, it has a collection of more than 5,000 books covering the history, culture, food, architecture, etc. of Bashu and Shu. This event aims to strengthen the connection between urban elderly and rural elderly through cultural dissemination and knowledge sharing, break geographical boundaries, and allow more urban and rural elderly to share the public cultural services provided by Chengdu Library. “We hope that by holding such activities and leveraging Chengdu’s profound historical and cultural resources, urban and rural residents, especially the elderly, can feel the power of culture, improve the level of public cultural services, promote cultural interconnection between cities and rural areas, and make more people feel the power of culture. Many elderly groups can share the fruits of cultural development,” said the relevant person in charge of Chengdu Library.


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