Upgrading the “money bag”, Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch further optimizes payment services and improves the quality and efficiency of cash services


“I have recorded all the anti-counterfeiting points of counterfeit currency, and I feel confident this time!” said Sister Zhang, a resident of Hujiayuan Street.

In order to further highlight the cash back-up feature, optimize the RMB circulation environment, popularize knowledge on anti-counterfeit currency, mutilated and defaced RMB exchange standards, and effectively combat and curb counterfeit currency criminal activities, Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch and the People’s Bank of China Binhai New District Branch jointly carried out the optimization of cash Pay for special publicity campaigns on the environment. This event went deep into the streets and communities. Targeting the elderly who frequently pay in cash, the event focused on counterfeit currency identification, exchange of small notes, and the use of digital renminbi. It popularized cash financial knowledge and guided the elderly to establish anti-counterfeit currency risk awareness. , promote the use of digital renminbi, and at the same time introduce cash outlets near the community to customers with small denomination currency needs, truly achieving financial convenience and convenience.

On March 7, the General Office of the State Council issued the “Opinions on Further Optimizing Payment Services and Improving Payment Convenience” (hereinafter referred to as the “Opinions”), requiring coordinating efforts to open up the existing blockages in payment services and strive to improve multi-level and diversified payment services. The service system provides more high-quality, efficient and convenient payment services for the elderly, foreigners coming to China and other groups. After the “Opinions” was released, Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch immediately deployed and optimized payment services and accelerated the implementation of various payment facilitation measures.

Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch, with physical outlets such as branches and community banks as the core, regularly goes deep into various usage scenarios such as shopping malls, supermarkets, and restaurants within the grid, and takes multiple measures to carry out special rectification work on the rejection of RMB cash. The branch took the initiative to carry out door-to-door propaganda on the policy of rejecting cash, and equipped each physical branch with “cash payment” signs. While promoting cash knowledge to merchants around the grid, the branch promoters guided the merchants to sign a commitment letter not to refuse cash, and Post cash collection signs; visit merchants on the spot, conduct an experiential survey of the cash collection and payment status of the cash collection and payment entity as a customer, and further carry out in-depth publicity on cash rejection to ensure that merchants truly understand the significance and necessity of optimizing cash collection and payment.

According to the daily cashier business volume, each outlet reserves enough cash for payment every day for customers to use, ensuring an adequate supply of RMB cash. Provide small currency exchange channels for merchants such as supermarkets, convenience stores, and restaurants that use large amounts of cash to protect people’s livelihood services; provide a variety of foreign currency cash deposit and withdrawal services to meet the different needs of domestic and foreign customers and protect foreign currency cash Supply is plentiful. Comprehensively promote the “bundle payment” business to meet customers’ requests for payment without unpacking the bundle, improve the efficiency of large-amount cash withdrawals, and enhance customer experience.

Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch will actively fulfill its social responsibilities, focus on the cash service needs of the general public, take multiple measures to continuously optimize and improve the quality and efficiency of cash services, and truly advance cash services from the “last mile” to the “zero distance”.


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