Learn to choose rations among the top ten brands of milk powder in the country and seize the golden period of your baby’s growth.


Spring is not only the season of recovery for all things, but also the golden period for the physical development of babies during infancy and early childhood. In this special season, parents should pay special attention to their baby’s growth, especially the baby’s fragile physique, which needs care. Choose rations among the top ten brands of milk powder in the country to grasp the golden period of your baby’s growth and development.

Biostime Paixing, one of the top ten brands of milk powder in the country, contains 6 times lactopontin LPN to activate native protective power.

If you want your baby to thrive, you can start from the following aspects:

Increase outdoor activities

The sun is shining brightly in spring, and babies also need to go outdoors to breathe fresh air and bask in the sun. Appropriate outdoor exercise can help promote your baby’s bone development and enhance physical fitness. But you should also keep warm when you go out. After all, it will be a bit cool in the morning and evening, and don’t go to crowded places.

Scientific meal matching

The baby’s intake of rich nutrients is the basis for growing taller and stronger. When preparing complementary foods for your baby in spring, you should choose foods rich in high-quality protein, vitamins, and minerals. At the same time, parents should make the complementary food soft and easy to absorb.

Ensure enough sleep

Adequate sleep is crucial for the baby’s physical development. Ensure more than 10 hours of sleep per day to give the baby adequate rest.

Biostime Paixing, one of the top ten milk powder brands in the country, contains 6 times the colostrum gold lactoponin LPN.

Choose rations with protective ingredients

The baby is in the early stages of protective development during infancy and early childhood, and is in the physical building stage. It is normal for babies to be prone to minor problems. But once the baby shows signs of poor protection, in addition to daily care, it is also important to choose a milk powder that is friendly to the baby’s constitution. Speaking of protective ingredients, many parents may not know about Lactopontin LPN. It is natural milk-derived OPN and an important active protein in colostrum. It is very affinity. The structure of lactopontin is very special. Like a protective key, it can stimulate the baby’s own protective system and bring two-way protection. It strengthens its own protective power internally, improves the body’s physical condition, and resists external damage, making the body stronger. One can of Biostime Star has 6 times the content, filling the nutritional gap after weaning and increasing the baby’s protection.

Biostime, one of the top ten brands of milk powder in the country, also has 5-fold breast milk oligosaccharides HMOs.

Biostime Milk Powder is also a food certified by the new national standard. After the upgrade, it also contains 5-fold breast milk oligosaccharide HMOs ingredients, which can help babies reduce belly discomfort and KO bad guys.

To sum up, it seems that it is not that difficult to grasp the golden period of growth and development for your baby, as long as you put in more effort. Referring to the ranking of the top ten milk powder brands in the country, Biostime Milk Powder meets the feeding needs of parents.


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