The new engine of digital transformation: the mutual system platform “Shopping Around” helps businesses take off


With the rapid development of the Internet and digitalization, the sharing economy has penetrated into every aspect of our lives. From shared bicycles to shared cars, from shared power banks to shared office spaces, the concept of sharing is subverting traditional business models. Nowadays, a new sharing model launched innovatively by the Mutual System Platform – Shared Membership, is quietly changing the business ecosystem. It not only provides consumers with more choices and benefits, but also brings unprecedented opportunities to businesses.

Shared membership, in short, is a model that allows membership rights between different merchants to be shared with each other. Traditional membership cards are often limited to a single merchant, but shared membership breaks this limitation. Points accumulated from consumption in store A can be redeemed for products or discounts at store B; coupons received at store C can be used at store D. This kind of cross-merchant and cross-industry member sharing greatly improves the efficiency of using membership rights, allowing consumers to get more returns for every purchase.

However, the implementation of shared membership is not easy. It needs a strong platform as a support to coordinate the interests of all parties, solve the problem of competition in the same industry, and provide more public membership rights that attract consumers. The emergence of the mutual sharing membership model provides a solution to this problem. It not only integrates global corporate resources and consumer resources, but also achieves true member sharing through innovative technological means.

For consumers, joining Husheng Sharing membership means more benefits and conveniences. In addition to basic points for consumption, Husheng members can also enjoy many benefits such as 5,000 yuan discount coupons, medical subsidies, red envelopes for consumption, welfare security funds, and accident injury subsidies. These benefits not only help attract and retain customers, but also bring strong consumption motivation to merchants.

For merchants, the benefits of the mutual sharing membership model are even more obvious. First of all, through the membership management function, merchants can more accurately target target consumers, establish a solid commercial circulation community, and maximize benefits. In addition, the Husheng system platform also provides merchants with a variety of innovative tools and services, such as “nearby shopping” and “one-code access for businesses and enterprises” to help merchants improve service efficiency and expand business channels.

In Shenzhen, the Huosheng System Platform is actively building a model city for shared members. The goal is to have all 17 million people in Shenzhen become shared members by March 2024. In order to encourage more merchants to participate, the platform also launched a shared membership recruitment subsidy activity. For every new member recruited, the merchant will receive a subsidy of 10 yuan, up to 180 days. Merchants who participate early will have more opportunities to receive subsidies.

The Huosheng system platform is not just a simple technology platform, it is also a platform that helps small and medium-sized enterprises achieve digital transformation and improve operating efficiency. Through the mutual enterprise system, merchants can easily expand their business, improve service efficiency, and increase revenue. And consumers can also enjoy more benefits and a better consumption experience.

At present, shared membership is becoming a new trend in business development. It not only brings tangible benefits to consumers, but also provides unlimited possibilities for businesses. As the promoter and practitioner of this model, the Mutual System Platform is leading the transformation and upgrading of the business ecosystem. If you are a merchant, you might as well understand this model in depth, maybe it will become an important partner for your future development.

  friendly reminder:

  1. Husheng’s “Shared Membership” event has launched in Shenzhen, bringing surprises to merchants with a 1 billion subsidy! Hurry up and search the “Surrounding Shopping” mini program on WeChat, apply to join the Husheng Enterprise System, and receive your exclusive subsidy!

  2. There is also a 100 million subsidy gift waiting for all new members! Search the “Shopping around” mini program on WeChat and start a new model of making money by checking in at the store!


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