Codemao actively fulfills its social responsibilities and provides programming education support to developing countries to demonstrate its international responsibility.


In the tide of artificial intelligence, programming education has emerged as an important pillar of the core literacy of information technology. As a leader in domestic programming education, Codemao has always adhered to its original aspirations, based on technology research and development, independently created tools, established industry barriers, and is committed to promoting the popularization of programming education in China.

Coding Cat actively builds a closed loop of education and opens a new chapter for children’s programming education. Through independent research and development of multi-language and multi-platform children’s programming tools such as Kitten, a graphical programming tool, Turtle Editor in Python language, and Nemo for mobile platforms, Coding Cat has greatly lowered the threshold for programming learning and made learning more interesting. In particular, the Kitten source code editor is deeply loved by public schools because of its intuitive, easy-to-use and low learning difficulty, and has successfully entered primary and secondary classrooms. In addition, Codingmao has also worked closely with a number of publishing groups to develop programming teaching materials for all school ages, filling the gap in programming education teaching materials for primary and secondary schools, allowing children to have close contact with programming, and opening a new door to the popularization of programming education.

Codingmao not only focuses on the opening of the entrance, but also focuses on the optimization of the exit, forming a complete closed loop of programming learning. By cooperating with official organizations, Codingmao has successfully held programming competitions certified by the Ministry of Education, providing students with an authoritative showcase. At the same time, it has worked with universities to formulate the “Youth Programming Ability Level” standard, promoting the standardization process of the children’s programming industry. In addition, Codemao also cooperates with the China Software Industry Association to implement programming level tests, provide students with quantitative ability assessments, and provide strong support for the selection of talents in the programming industry and universities.

In the pursuit of universal education and fairness, CodeCat never stops. Up to now, Codingmao has provided product technology and curriculum services to many schools, and established an online creative community, allowing programming creators to share, communicate, and grow together. In addition, Coding Cat also actively launched the “Blue Light Action” to care for special children, donate programming courses and books, and deliver love and warmth through public welfare projects.

In the tide of global educational cooperation, Coding Cat has spoken out in a positive manner and contributed valuable wisdom. It actively responds to the call of international organizations and is not only committed to providing high-quality free courses to schools in developing countries, but also sharing advanced technical resources and carefully organizing teacher training, demonstrating its broad international vision and profound knowledge with practical actions. Social responsibility. Codingmao’s efforts have injected strong impetus into the process of global education equity and demonstrated its outstanding qualities as an educational innovator.

Looking forward to the future, Codemao will continue to uphold the vision of “let children enjoy the fun of creation”, use technology to drive educational innovation, and provide more complete campus programming education solutions. Codingmao will be committed to promoting the popularization and development of artificial intelligence education in primary and secondary schools, and injecting new vitality into the high-quality development of artificial intelligence education in my country.


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