Ziyan Food is deeply exploring the path of digital advancement to further improve operational efficiency


In recent years, the braised food industry has been booming, and braised food has been favored by consumers. In the face of opportunities and challenges, various companies have made efforts to strive for greater market space. As a leader in the braised cooked food industry, Ziyan Foods assesses the situation, actively innovates and seeks change, empowers with technology, leads the digital transformation of the braised food industry, and supports brand development with high quality.

Ziyan Food always adheres to the pursuit of excellent quality, just to provide consumers with a safe and guaranteed delicious experience. Under the dual guarantee of taste and quality, Ziyan Food has won the recognition and love of consumers. The number of stores has continued to increase. It has opened more than 6,100 chain stores in more than 200 cities in more than 20 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities across the country. . In order to meet the growing diversified needs of consumers, Ziyan Food has deeply integrated digital technology into corporate operations, greatly improving the efficiency and stability of the production line and ensuring the safety and reliability of products in each store.

At present, Ziyan Food is still increasing its technological investment to improve the level of digital production management, is committed to building a sound and complete digital production and supply management system, and uses scientific and technological power to promote the innovation and upgrading of the production process. To this end, Ziyan Food has simplified the supply chain process and opened up the digital management of the entire chain from raw materials to finished products. All products are braised in a centralized factory and delivered to stores by a self-built cold chain logistics fleet according to store needs, making it efficient and convenient. The production supply chain is conducive to the stable supply of store products, while ensuring that every product purchased by consumers has stable quality and fresh taste.

In addition, Ziyan Food has also applied digital control technology to product production, product transportation, store sales, consumer feedback and other aspects to achieve visual monitoring of the production chain, understanding and guidance of store conditions, and monitoring of consumer opinions. Timely response can help companies grasp the market context more accurately, adjust strategies in a timely manner, and promote positive interaction between brands and the market.

With consistent persistence in quality, Ziyan Food continues to increase its research and development efforts and actively embraces digital transformation. Its growing number of stores and consumer praise are effective proof of the brand’s strength. We have reason to believe that Ziyan Food, empowered by science and technology, will show greater energy in the future, bring consumers a wealth of braised food products, and inherit Chinese braised food culture.


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