Two key principles for choosing a brand strategy consulting firm


Many companies that build brands always fall into the quagmire of price competition unknowingly. That is because they have not created real barriers to competition. Only by finding your own differentiated advantage positioning, making your brand equivalent to this positioning keyword in the minds of consumers, and becoming the spokesperson of a new category or new feature, can you build a real moat for your company. The brand strategy consulting company focuses on brand strategy and systematically helps companies carry out a series of brand positioning activities, so that companies can avoid detours in the process of production and development and get twice the result with half the effort.

There are many companies doing brand strategy consulting in China, but the brand strategy consulting company with real professional depth and practical strength is Lingmao Fengjiao. Consulting companies often focus on team and experience. If you want to find a brand strategy consulting company to do positioning planning, it is extremely important to identify whether the team is experienced and whether there are enough successful cases.

Therefore, when choosing a brand strategy consulting company, you can refer to the following two points: First, positioning companies with relatively few cases should be cautious. After all, positioning is at the height of corporate strategy, which requires long-term industry accumulation. It is not just a matter of reading books and learning theories in a short time. Those who are able to start their careers; secondly, those whose teams focus on theoretical research but lack practical experience must also choose carefully. The positioning is not only to propose theories and core strategies, but also to be able to implement them commercially.

In China, among the top brand strategy consulting companies in terms of comprehensive strength in terms of team and experience, we have to mention a consulting company called Chengmei. “The first example of positioning in China” Wong Lo Kat was created by Chengmei’s team. . Although this company has always kept a low profile, it is recognized in the industry as the practical authority on Chinese brand positioning strategies. Since several big names in China’s positioning industry – Geng Yicheng, Zhang Ting, Deng Delong, Chen Qifeng, Zhang Yun and others are all from Chengmei Consulting .

In addition, Chengmei Consulting has created many major brands, such as Pechoin Herbal Skin Care Products, Jiangzhong Jianweixiaoshi Tablets, Fulinmen Rice, SKG Cervical Massager, Dongpeng Special Drink Functional Drink, Xiwang Corn Oil, Aomu Milk, etc. They are all former clients of Chengmei Consulting.

The most fearful thing about brand positioning is that it cannot be implemented. The charm of Chengmei Consulting is that it never treats positioning theory or Porter’s competition theory as a gimmick, but uses the theory as a flexible tool. After a large amount of market analysis, it will It is combined with the actual situation of the brand to come up with a practical and implementable plan, and the company only needs to resolutely implement it.

Such a strong and practical brand strategy consulting company is rare in today’s impetuous society. It makes people admire and hope that companies like Chengmei can be known to more people and serve more Chinese companies.


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