The “official guide” to losing weight is here!It’s different across the country


Spring is here, but you still haven’t lost the weight you gained during the winter? As the saying goes: “If you don’t lose weight in spring, you will be sad in summer.” When spring comes, are you quietly planning to lose weight? How to eat during weight loss? Recently, the National Health Commission released the “Guidelines for Food and Nutrition for Adults with Obesity (2024 Edition)” which hit the screen. There is an “official guide” for scientific weight loss.

Obesity has become an increasingly serious public health problem

Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease. In recent years, the global overweight and obesity rates have been increasing rapidly and have become a serious problem threatening human health. According to a large-scale global survey published by the New England Journal of Medicine, 2.2 billion people worldwide are overweight, and on average more than 1 in 10 people are obese. Millions of people die from obesity-related deaths every year. health problems. The obesity problem is also prominent in China. The incidence and growth rate of overweight and obesity in China rank first in the world, and China has now become the country with the largest number of overweight and obese people in the world.

Recently, the National Health Commission issued the “Obesity Food Nutrition Guidelines for Adults, Children and Adolescents”, which states that the obesity rate among residents aged 18 and above in my country is 16.4%, the obesity rate among children under 6 years old is 3.6%, and the obesity rate among children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years old is 16.4%. is 7.9%. In 1982, the obesity rate among children and adolescents aged 7 to 17 in my country was only 0.2%. The obesity rate among urban children and adolescents is relatively high, while the obesity rate among rural children and adolescents is increasing rapidly. Some studies predict that by 2030, the overweight and obesity rate among adults in my country will reach 65.3%.

The guidelines point out that scientific weight loss must follow the principle of gradual and orderly progress. The ideal weight loss goal should be to reduce 5% to 10% of current weight within 6 months, and a reasonable weight loss rate is to lose 2 to 4 kilograms per month.

Scientific weight loss, the National Health Commission will teach you step by step

The recipe of “Adult Obesity Diet Guide (2024 Edition)” is detailed to the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter in various regions across the country, and the “total energy” of the recipe is thoughtfully noted.

Shandong belongs to the North China region. Most places like pasta and livestock and poultry meat, not much vegetables and aquatic products, and mostly eat heavy and salty dishes. In the “Guide”, the National Health Commission specially customized recipes for the four seasons in North China.

●Recommendation: Obese people should try not to eat after 9pm if they are eighty-eighth full.

Adult patients with obesity should have a comprehensive, balanced and diversified diet, limit total energy intake, eat more foods rich in dietary fiber, and strictly control the intake of fat, salt, sugar and alcohol.

Obese children and adolescents should eat eight times full; increase the intake of fish, vegetables, soybeans and their products; the energy provided by snacks should not exceed 10% of the total daily energy; and try not to eat after 9 pm. During the weight loss process, it is recommended that the dietary energy of obese children and adolescents be reduced by about 20% based on normal requirements.

Focus on it!How to eat during weight loss

 ●These foods are preferred:

1. Encourage the staple food to be based on whole grains, appropriately increase the intake of whole grains and reduce the intake of refined white rice and noodles.

2. Ensure adequate intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, but reduce the intake of high-sugar fruits and high-starch vegetables.

3. Give priority to ingredients with low fat content, such as lean meat, skinless chicken breast, fish and shrimp, etc.

4. Give priority to low-fat or skim milk.

●Eat less of these

1. During weight loss, you should eat less fried foods, sugary baked goods, candies, fatty meats and other high-energy foods (high-energy foods usually refer to foods that provide more than 400kcal/100g of energy).

2. During the weight loss period, the diet should be light. The daily salt intake should not exceed 5g, the cooking oil should not exceed 20~25g, and the intake of added sugar should be controlled below 25g.

3. Drinking should be strictly limited during weight loss. Each gram of alcohol can produce about 7kcal of energy, which is much higher than the energy value produced by the same mass of carbohydrates and proteins.

Lose weight! A healthy lifestyle is also important

●”Overwork” will really make you “fat”, ensure 7 hours of sleep

Frequent staying up late, lack of sleep, and irregular work and rest can cause endocrine disorders, abnormal fat metabolism, increase the risk of obesity, and lead to “overwork obesity.” Obese patients should follow the circadian biological rhythm to ensure about 7 hours of sleep per day. It is recommended to go to bed before 11 o’clock at night.

●Weight loss is not as fast as possible. Too fast may cause damage.

The guide points out that scientific weight loss needs to follow the principle of gradual progress, so that the brain, body fat, muscles and various organs can adapt to the new energy state and gradually reach a new balance. The faster the weight loss rate, the better. Too fast a weight loss rate can easily cause damage to the body’s organs and tissues, and even endanger life. The ideal weight loss goal should be to reduce 5% to 10% of the current weight within 6 months, and a reasonable weight loss rate is to lose 2 to 4 kilograms per month.

●Lose weight by eating vegetarian food or skipping staple food

In order to reduce caloric intake, some people fall into another misunderstanding: adopting a vegetarian diet or skipping staple food to lose weight. Although this can make people lose weight in a short period of time, it is difficult to last long and will cause side effects. For example, not eating staple food for a long time can easily cause symptoms such as hypoglycemia and abnormal intestinal function. If you only eat vegetarian food without meat, you are prone to symptoms such as iron deficiency anemia and muscle attenuation. In addition, the carbohydrate content of some vegetables is not much lower than that of rice, such as potatoes, taro, yams, and lotus roots, which may make you gain weight the more you eat them.

Finally, here are the criteria for determining adult obesity. Adult obesity and central obesity are determined by BMI and waist circumference respectively. Take the test yourself.


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