Recycling available at home! Cainiao launches “6.18 Recycling Festival”


On June 5th, World Environment Day, Cainiao announced to officially upgrade the green recycling model and launch the “6.18 Recycling Festival”. This event upgraded Cainiao’s green recycling from the previous single-category carton recycling to multi-category and multi-modal recycling of everything, and joined hands with brand merchants to start new projects such as recycling old clothes, shoes and books.

Cainiao said that the recycling of old clothes, shoes, and books is closer to the daily life of consumers. As a new attempt to promote green recycling among consumers, adding recycling categories will further popularize the concept of green environmental protection. At the same time, the All Things Recycling Program will enable Cainiao to reshape the external green recycling chain on the basis of forming a full-link green logistics solution in the five links of ordering, packaging, transportation, warehousing, and recycling, and further promote a circular economy.

Cainiao Green Home “All Things Recycling Festival” page

During the event, consumers can scan the QR code at the Cainiao Station, enter the Cainiao APP Green Home Channel, select the corresponding category, and realize the recycling of everything. Cainiao couriers will come to pick up the goods and help exchange old goods for new ones. What’s more special is that consumers who choose to participate in the recycling of Xtep’s shoes and clothes can participate in receiving thousands of reusable bags and Xtep’s environmental protection product coupons, and consumers who participate in the recycling of old books, Tmall Books has prepared thousands of new books for consumers Free replacement.

Previously, the “Empty Bottle Return Action” jointly launched by Cainiao and Jindian has also set off an upsurge in environmental protection. By the day of World Environment Day, more than 30,000 users had participated in this activity, and the cumulative reduction in carbon emissions was equivalent to more than 1,000 trees. The amount of carbon dioxide absorbed in a year.

Cainiao Green Back Box Activity

It is understood that in 2016, Cainiao Logistics took the lead in launching a green action in the industry – the “Returning Box Project”. By setting up green recycling boxes in Cainiao Station, Cainiao Station has become a “capillary vessel” that practices low-carbon circulation in the logistics field. “.

At present, Cainiao has formed a virtuous circle mechanism for carton recycling. Half of the express delivery sent by consumers through the Cainiao Post Station is packaged in old express packaging. Cardboard boxes that cannot be reused will be pulped and then made into workbooks, which will be given to elementary school students by public welfare organizations. Since March last year, more than 23 million express cartons have been digitally recorded and recycled at the Cainiao Post Station; and at the Cainiao Green Home, consumers have donated more than 300,000 express packaging to primary schools in the central and western regions. exercise book.


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