【Hair loss topic】Looking at the cause, the treatment plan can help hair loss if it is treated early

【Hair loss topic】Looking at the cause, the treatment plan can help hair loss if it is treated early


Reporting: Chen Xiaoquan Editing: Liang Yingxiu

(Kuala Lumpur) Regardless of men and women, as long as more than 100 hairs are lost every day, it can be regarded as hair loss.

When the doctor sees a doctor, the first time is to check whether the patient’s hair follicles are non-scarred or scarred, and then formulate the most correct treatment plan for the patient.

A person who loses more than 100 hairs per day can be diagnosed as alopecia, which is the same for both men and women. Therefore, after taking a bath, you may wish to pay attention to whether there is excessive hair in the drain hole, but the problem is that the general bathroom is shared with the family, unless the family members Hair is easy to identify, otherwise it is difficult to tell whose hair it is.

If hair loss is suspected, try a hair-pull test to self-diagnose hair loss. The hair pull test is to use the thumb, index finger and middle finger to hold a part of the hair tightly from the root of the hair and pull it gently. It is normal to pull out 1 or 2 strands during the process. If 3 or more strands fall off each time you pull, you should be careful of abnormal hair loss.

Dermatology Consultant
Dr. Chong Wai Ming

Hair loss without hair follicles is scarring

Dermatologist consultant Dr. Peter Ch’ng Wee Beng pointed out that hair loss can be divided into two categories, namely scarring and non-scarring. Generally, the doctor will use a dermatoscope to check the patient’s hair follicles to see if there are hair follicles on the scalp where the hair is lost. If there are still hair follicles, it is nonscarring alopecia.

“Once there are no hair follicles on the scalp, it is scarring alopecia, which means that the hair no longer grows in the hair loss area. Some diseases can cause scarring alopecia, such as lupus erythematosus, skin cancer, fungal infection, etc.”

“Non-scarring alopecia, in which it is possible for hair to grow back with appropriate treatment, can be classified as localized or diffuse hair loss, the most common of which are alopecia areata and traction alopecia. alopecia).

Male pattern hair loss usually starts at the temples or the top of the head, while female hair loss usually starts at the hairline on the top of the head. The hair will gradually thin and fall out, but women will cover each other with their hair on the left and right sides, so they seek medical treatment later. “

Diffuse hair loss covers the entire scalp, most commonly male and female pattern hair loss, telogen effluvium, and metabolic alopecia.

“Most of the causes of this type of hair loss are related to stress, especially for pregnant women. As long as these patients decompress and release the pressure, their hair will grow back within 6 months. Such patients will immediately see the phenomenon of hair loss. Going to the barber shop for a hair treatment, but as long as you can handle the stress, your hair will grow back, so it is very important to diagnose which type the patient falls into.”

In addition, he also pointed out that some patients with COVID-19 will also experience telogen hair loss after receiving treatment and being discharged from the hospital. This is because the coronavirus also puts pressure on the body. As long as they are seriously ill or have hair loss, this is temporary.

“In addition, women who lose too much weight or lack iron will have telogen hair loss, so whenever a doctor sees a woman with this phenomenon, they will ask her if she has ever suffered from a serious illness, what is the blood test report, menstrual status, etc. question.”

Long-term treatment for hair loss due to aging

With the increase of age, hair loss becomes more and more serious, which is also a phenomenon of aging. If you face a large amount of hair loss at the age of 20, it will also affect the patient’s career, relationship and self-confidence.

Although these patients can maintain the normal amount of hair through treatment, they must receive treatment for a long time. Once the treatment is stopped, the hair loss will recur.

“Some people ask, can’t this be cured? I can only say that this is an aging phenomenon, just like if you have gray hair, it will be dyed black. After a while, the hair will turn gray again. You will not ask, is the hair Can’t be black forever? So when do you need to stop treatment? Until you don’t care about your hair anymore.”

As for the treatment of hair loss, there are oral medicine and topical medicine respectively. Treatment depends on the cause of the hair loss. Some patients have a lot of hair loss due to dandruff. He recommends that patients use anti-hair loss shampoos to control dandruff to avoid massive hair loss.

“Minoxidil (minoxidil) is an oral drug for hair loss. It was originally used to control high blood pressure, but low doses can help improve hair loss. However, it is only suitable for men, because this drug also makes body hair grow. Such as foot hair, armpit hair, etc., so it is not suitable for women.”

“Some male and female pattern hair loss is associated with an increase in dihydrotestosterone (DHT). These patients can take finasteride (finasteride) to treat hair loss. This drug can reduce the body’s secretion of DHT, but many male patients will Afraid of taking the drug because it can cause impotence or loss of libido.”

He said that studies have confirmed that this drug has no direct impact on sexual performance. However, half of impotence is caused by psychological factors. Even if the patient is told that this drug will not affect sexual performance, the other party will still attribute this crime to this drug. Therefore, if the patient himself has impotence, then I would suggest to stop Take finasteride.

Platelet plasma stimulates hair growth

For female pattern baldness, he gives the drug spironolactone, but it is not suitable for younger patients, especially women who are trying to conceive.

“This drug is similar to finasteride. It is also used to reduce the body’s secretion of DHT. If a pregnant woman taking this drug is pregnant with a male baby, it will affect the health of the fetus.”

Another way to treat hair loss is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), which uses platelets in the patient’s blood to stimulate hair growth, and has been confirmed by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be effective in stimulating hair growth.

“The last method to treat hair loss is hair transplantation, which is a surgical operation based on scientific theory to treat hair loss. This operation mainly uses autologous hair follicle implantation technology for head beauty, usually from the back of the head. Transplanting to other parts, however, the success rate of this method is not high, even if it is transplanted, the hair follicles may die.”

Women over the age of 60 are recommended to have a blood test before receiving hair loss treatment to rule out pathological causes of hair loss. The treatment methods for men and women are mostly the same, but the medicines taken are somewhat different.

As for the success rate of hair loss treatment, the normal amount of hair of patients cannot be restored to 100%, but it can still reach at least 20 or 30%.

exacerbation free

Don’t take nutrients indiscriminately

One of the causes of hair loss can also lead to aggravated dandruff, causing patients to constantly scratch the scalp, thus damaging the scalp.

There are two types of stress: psychological and physical. The former naturally requires decompression, while the latter can be improved through sleep, of which sleep quality is extremely important.

As for nutritional intake, many people believe that taking zinc (zinc) can prevent hair loss, but the number of so-called clinical studies is too small, so it is difficult to prove the correctness of this statement. In addition, it is not recommended for patients with hair loss to ingest nutrition indiscriminately, so as not to aggravate the condition.

Rescue hair follicles early and improve hair loss

Once the scalp is inflamed, it will lead to hair loss. Therefore, patients with psoriasis or dandruff should be reminded that they need to be aware of themselves and “rescue” the hair follicles as soon as possible, so that the hair loss can be improved.

3 ways to avoid hair loss too seriously

It is effective to eat less, soak your feet and stay up late

For boys, no matter whether they are out of the order or not, the loss of hair and insufficient hair volume are enough to make people feel unsafe. As a result, you have to wear a hat every time you go out to increase your self-confidence.

However, hair loss is caused by many factors, including physiological factors and genetics. The following three points are combined. When some symptoms appear, it is time to pay attention to the problem of hair loss.

No matter what age you are, there will be hair loss. The main reason is that the hair has a fixed growth cycle, and the shedding of the last period can cause new hair to appear. Of course, it is also a normal situation, but when there is a problem with the amount of hair loss and the condition of the scalp, It is recommended to consult a physician or find the best way to work and rest in your life.

1. Daily care guide

1/ Regular hair trimming can keep hair healthy and shiny, and promote hair growth.

2. Adhere to the habit of exercising, you only need to spend half an hour a day to move, which can help the body circulate, promote metabolism, and the problem of hair loss will gradually improve.

3/ Soaking feet also promotes the blood circulation of the body. When the blood circulation of the whole body is sufficient, the circulation of the head will also be relaxed, which is good for hair growth.

4. It is forbidden to stay up late. Staying up late will cause Qi and blood deficiency. The more you stay up late, you will find that your complexion will become darker and darker, and your hair will not have enough nutrients, which will lead to easy hair loss.

2. Dietary guidelines for preventing hair loss

1/ Eat more vitamin B foods, such as eggs, milk, beans, and nuts.

2/ Eat more foods containing zinc and iron, such as oysters and spinach.

3/ Eat more foods containing E, such as black sesame and corn.

The above recommendations are common foods that you usually eat. If you really can’t get a full intake every day, it is recommended to eat some health food to make up for the lack of intake.

3. Shampoo guide to prevent hair loss

1/Before shampooing, be sure to wet the hair before shampooing.

2/ Avoid using too hot water to wash your hair.

3/ Choose hair follicle care shampoo to use.

4/ Avoid using hair care products with too much chemical addition.

Hair tie-induced traction alopecia

Question 1/Does combing or tying hair every day cause hair loss?

Answer 1/I can’t comb my hair. Hair tying can cause hair loss, which can trigger traction alopecia. Most of these patients are women, especially ballet dancers, who have tied their hair tightly since childhood, leaving scars on the scalp and no longer growing hair.

Sweating and not washing your hair will aggravate hair loss

Q2/Does washing hair every day exacerbate hair loss?

Is hot water rinsing hair healthier or cleaner?

Answer 2/ No, hair loss is an aging phenomenon, and it will fall naturally even if you don’t wash your hair.

Malaysia is a tropical country, the people of Malaysia are prone to sweating, sweating without washing hair will aggravate hair loss. Sweat can irritate the scalp and become inflamed, so you need to wash your hair as long as you sweat, and the more you sweat, the more frequent you need to wash your hair.

People with dandruff should use anti-hair loss shampoo to wash their hair to avoid aggravation of hair loss. In severe cases, it is more necessary to use spray or wash hair with one or more anti-hair loss shampoos.

In terms of water temperature, try not to use hot water. If the water temperature is too high, the skin will be drier or eczema will be aggravated, and hair loss will be more likely.

Steroid Shampoo Affects Skin

Question 3/ When purchasing anti-hair loss spray or anti-hair loss shampoo,

What should be paid attention to?

Answer 3/ Buyers need to observe themselves when using this type of product. If they notice that the symptoms have not improved but worsened, they should stop using them.

In addition, although the shampoo containing steroids will not thin the scalp, it will affect the skin. Therefore, when using it, try to use it on the top of the head or the back of the head, and make sure to rinse off the shampoo.

Pulling will cause hair loss has nothing to do with wearing a hat

Q4/Does wearing a hat cause hair loss?

Answer 4/ No, wearing a hat just presses the hair, and only pulling the hair will cause hair loss.

Hair Dye Induces Eczema Causes Hair Loss

Question 5/Dyeing hair, perming hair or straightening hair will cause hair loss?

Answer 5/ Hair dyeing, many people are sensitive to pigments and induce eczema, scalp inflammation, leading to hair loss.

In addition, the patient’s scalp will also be red and itchy, and the pigment will be attached to the hair for 3 to 4 months, and the eczema will come and go again and again. As long as the dyer’s scalp does not induce eczema, it will not cause hair loss.

Perm straight hair and electric hair will not cause hair loss, but it will lead to poor hair quality and easy split ends.

The hair dryer is too hot and hurts the scalp

Question 6/ Is natural air drying better than drying hair with a hair dryer?

Does frequent blow drying cause hair loss?

Answer 6/Yes, natural air drying is of course the best, but most women will use a hair dryer to dry their hair due to their long hair.

Using a hair dryer to dry hair is about temperature, which is the same as washing hair with hot water. If the temperature is too high, it will naturally damage the scalp, so the temperature should be moderate.

Hair loss due to stress must decompress first

Q7/How to treat hair loss caused by eczema?

Answer 7/Eczema has many causes, such as genetics, stress, lack of sleep, etc. If stress can cause hair loss, when patients see that they have hair loss, they should ask themselves whether they should decompress.

Eating 3 eggs a day did not improve hair loss

Question 8/ Is eating 3 eggs a day effective in preventing hair loss?

Answer 8/ At present, there is still no research to point out which type of food can prevent or improve hair loss exactly.

No studies show that caffeine prevents hair loss

Question 9/ Can caffeine shampoo prevent hair loss?

Answer 9/ No, there is no research data to confirm this.

Hair loss has nothing to do with sexual intercourse and frequent masturbation

Q10/Frequent intercourse or masturbation can cause hair loss?

Answer 10/No, this is a myth.

The effect of massage oil needs to be confirmed by data

Question 11/Can anti-hair loss massage oil effectively improve hair loss?

Answer 11/This statement needs to be confirmed by research data.

Low-energy light therapy is for assistance only

Q12/Can Low Level Light Therapy (LLLT) improve hair loss?

Answer 12/ There are adjuvant effects, but it is not a first-line treatment, and it needs to be treated every week. Some people buy similar products online to do hair care at home, but they don’t know whether these products meet the safety standards. Therefore, this treatment needs to be performed by professionals.


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