【Dangerous Drug Topic】Cannabidiol is a dangerous drug that can help you sleep and reduce stress

【Dangerous Drug Topic】Cannabidiol is a dangerous drug that can help you sleep and reduce stress


(Hong Kong News) Cannabidiol (CBD) was once very popular. It was added to gummies, beer, and even skin care products. Many people suffering from stress, insomnia, eczema and other problems even regarded it as ” Alternative Therapy”.

However, CBD has been classified as a dangerous drug in Hong Kong, and the maximum penalty for possession and consumption is 7 years in prison and a fine of 1 million Hong Kong dollars (approximately RM5.4 million).

Cannabidiol (CBD) is banned. If you want to find alternative treatments to relieve insomnia and stress, what are the better options?

CBD products claim to relieve stress and improve insomnia. Is there any medical basis? “According to the existing medical literature, it is not 100% sure that CBD is effective.” Li Yunfeng, a psychiatrist, said that some studies have pointed out that CBD can relieve anxiety, some claim it can help sleep, and some say it has no effect. Cases can relieve stress and improve insomnia after using it.”

Dr. Li Yunfeng, Psychiatrist

Absorb Tryptophan from Diet

What better alternatives without cannabidiol?

For insomnia, Li Yunfeng said that studies have shown that melatonin can help sleep. He sometimes also prescribes melatonin supplements to patients, usually at a dose of 3 to 5 mg. “However, after taking it for a long time, the body may gradually adapt to it and weaken the efficacy. It is not recommended to increase the dose, because it may cause side effects such as headache, dizziness, and tremors.”

Melatonin is responsible for regulating the biological clock. It is an important sleep hormone in the body. It is mainly synthesized by converting tryptophan into serotonin. Therefore, if you want to stimulate melatonin, you can eat more foods that increase tryptophan and serotonin.

Nutritionist Au Yashan pointed out that the human body cannot produce tryptophan on its own, and it needs to be absorbed from the diet. It is often found in protein-rich foods, such as beef, egg yolk, beans, etc.

Salmon is rich in vitamins B6 and B12, which can stabilize nerves and relax people. It can also help the body synthesize serotonin and convert tryptophan into sleep-promoting melatonin.

“Protein must be eaten with carbohydrates to help absorb tryptophan, because carbohydrates can stimulate insulin secretion, and insulin can bring tryptophan into the brain faster to help synthesize melatonin.”

She suggested that eating 3 to 4 taels of meat for lunch and dinner each, which is about the size of a palm, and half to more than half a bowl of noodles is enough.

She also suggested that taking more vitamins B6 and B12 can stabilize the nerves and relax people. It can also help the body synthesize serotonin and convert tryptophan into melatonin, which helps sleep. Salmon, tuna, beef, etc. Both are rich in vitamins B6 and B12.

“In addition, calcium and magnesium can also relax muscles, soothe the nerves, and improve sleep quality. You might as well eat more dairy products or calcium-fortified foods, as well as foods high in magnesium, such as pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, almonds, spinach, and beans.”

Dietitian Au Yashan

Meditation improves depression and helps relaxation

L-theanine (L-theanine) is one of the main amino acids that can relax and help sleep in recent years. Taylor Swift, an American music queen, once revealed that supplementing with theanine can reduce anxiety. It can be found in green tea, black tea, oolong tea, etc., and mushrooms also contain small amounts.

Au Yashan explained that a small clinical study found that supplementing 50 to 250 mg of theanine can increase the alpha brain waves in the brain that are in charge of relaxation. However, theanine only accounts for 1% to 2% of the weight of tea leaves, and a cup of 200ml tea only contains 8 to 25mg. It takes many cups to reach the effective amount, and it is difficult to ingest it from tea in daily life.

Although theanine can relax people, she does not recommend drinking tea to help sleep, because tea itself contains caffeine, and there is no research showing that it can solve insomnia.

“As for theanine nutritional supplements, although studies have shown that oral theanine is safe, it is recommended to consult a pharmacist or doctor first.”

In addition to starting with diet, relaxation exercises, imagery, mindfulness, and yoga are all great ways to unwind.

Clinical psychologist Yung Wan Wen

Clinical psychologist Weng Wanwen said that more and more patients are using mindfulness to help them relax. “Many studies have confirmed that mindfulness can reduce stress and improve depression and anxiety.” Doing it once will improve, but if you want to make a lasting change, you must develop a habit of practicing every day. Not only will your concentration gradually improve, but your brain will also undergo changes. The prefrontal cortex will become thicker and the amygdala activity will decrease. Manage and regulate emotions (see “Know More” for details).

Looking for sports motivation according to personality

Li Yunfeng pointed out, “Although it is a cliché, there are many studies that prove that doing exercise can help relax, relieve stress and improve insomnia.” However, many people feel that exercising is useless or difficult to persevere.

“Most people are more eager for quick success and hope to get better tomorrow after exercising today. In fact, the brain is very complicated, and it takes a period of time to see results. It is a protracted battle.” Find out what motivates you to exercise based on your personality, such as walking with a buddy or taking an exercise class.

What if the problem does not improve after using supplements, relaxation exercises, talking to someone, etc.?

Li Yunfeng and Weng Wanwen also pointed out that if in addition to stress and insomnia, you also feel depressed, often tired, anxious, etc., affecting your daily life, and the situation lasts for 2 weeks or more, you should seek professional assistance.

Abdominal breathing imagery exercise 2 simple relaxation method

Clinical psychologist Weng Wanwen suggests trying the following two easy-to-master relaxation methods:

◆Imagery exercises

Take a few deep breaths slowly, close your eyes and imagine a place that makes you feel comfortable, such as grasslands and beaches that you have traveled and visited, use your five senses to enter the scene, observe the environment, feel the temperature and the feeling of lying on the grassland or sand, and listen to the sound of the wind Or the sound of waves, etc., put yourself in it and relax slowly

Suffering from insomnia and don’t want to rely on sleeping pills? In addition to nutritional supplements, starting from diet and exercise, there are opportunities to improve the problem.

◆abdominal breathing

Close your eyes, take a deep breath through your nose, feel the natural expansion of your abdomen when you inhale, then exhale slowly, and repeat the deep breath until you feel relaxed.Use deep and long breaths to “activate” the parasympathetic nervous system that dominates the body’s relaxed state, making it easier to relax and rest

Stretching before bed to help you fall asleep

Each abdominal breathing exercise takes about 5 minutes, while the imagery exercise may take longer, depending on the time invested in the situation.

Weng Wanwen said that different relaxation methods can be used when stress, anxiety, and insomnia occur, but the most important thing is to do it when you have time to regulate the nervous system and easily achieve a relaxed state. When encountering stressful events, anxiety can be reduced, just like doing it regularly Exercising can strengthen your immune system, instead of running when you are sick.

In addition, individualized relaxation methods can be considered. For example, people who have exercise habits can do stretching exercises before going to bed to help them fall asleep; Aromatherapy may not be suitable for patients with allergic rhinitis, and high temperature bathing is not recommended for patients with high blood pressure; it is also not recommended to use harmful methods to reduce stress. For example, some people think that drinking alcohol is very relaxing, but it is harmful to health and has the risk of addiction.

Doctor: Choose no magic moisturizing products according to the nature of the skin

Cannabidiol (CBD) products come in a variety of forms, and they have become the darling of the beauty industry for a while. Many skin care products have seen it, claiming to be calming, anti-inflammatory, and even for eczema problems.

Dermatology and Venereology Dr. Lin Jiawen

Lin Jiawen, a specialist in dermatology and venereal diseases, pointed out that there is no sufficient research to prove the efficacy of CBD in skin care or in the treatment of skin diseases. There are many safer and more effective ingredients on the market that can replace CBD.

Promote skin care products containing ceramide

Reddened skin, acne, and unstable skin condition, many people will use some products that claim to calm the skin. Lin Jiawen pointed out that it is not necessary, and it is better to understand the root cause of the problem first.

“Why do some people need to calm the skin? It may be sensitive skin itself, or there may be underlying problems in the skin, such as rosacea or eczema. If there are no such problems, most people do not need to use special substances to calm the skin.”

Some people also said that CBD has strong moisturizing and water-locking effects, “Are there any magical moisturizing products?

“Frankly speaking, it is not. Instead, it is most important to choose products that are suitable for your skin.”

She pointed out that moisturizing ingredients can be roughly divided into three types, occlusive moisturizing agent (occlusive) can form a film on the skin surface to prevent water evaporation, paraffin, mineral oil, etc. are common ingredients; water-absorbing moisturizing agent (humectant) such as natural moisturizing factor ( Urea, sodium lactate, etc.), glycerin, hyaluronic acid, etc., can help the surface skin to hold moisture; there are also emollients (emollient), such as horse oil or other synthetic oils, which can fill the gaps between cells, Prevents moisture loss.

Lin Jiawen especially recommends skin care products containing the ingredient ceramide. “Our skin itself has this ingredient. Skin care products containing this ingredient can imitate the skin’s own oil, and it is mild in nature and not easy to cause sensitivity.”

There are many safer and more effective ingredients on the market that can replace CBD skin care products.

Natural products can still irritate the skin

Skin care products on the market will mix the above types of ingredients to achieve a more comprehensive moisturizing effect, but the occlusive moisturizing ingredients may be too greasy for people with oily skin, so it is not suitable for everyone. As for dry skin in people with eczema or psoriasis.

She suggested that products containing ceramide ingredients can be used to repair the skin barrier and replace CBD.

“Many people look for natural products, but even with natural ingredients or derived from plants, there is still the potential to irritate the skin.”

She does not recommend that everyone deliberately pursue “natural”. Instead, they should choose some skin care products with mild ingredients that have been tested on the skin, or advertised as suitable for sensitive skin.

Article Zhang Shumei, Li Xinmin “Ming Pao”


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