On the night after the Oscars, Michelle Yeoh wore jewelry from Moussaieff


On March 13, Beijing time, the 95th Academy Awards ceremony was held in Los Angeles. Chinese-American movie star Michelle Yeoh overwhelmed “The Great Devil” Cate Blanchett with the phenomenal film “The Universe”, officially crowned the first Chinese-American actress in Oscar history.

On the podium, Michelle Yeoh was filled with emotion: “For all (Asian) children who are watching the award ceremony and look like me, this statuette is a beacon of hope and possibility. As long as you dare to think, dream It will come true, and here’s the proof. Ladies! Don’t let anyone tell you that you’re done. Never give up!”

Michelle Yeoh Wears Moussaieff at the 95th Academy Awards Ceremony

On the day of the Oscars ceremony, Michelle Yeoh still chose her old friend Moussaieff who brought her lucky bonus for the ceremony. She wears a noble and elegant diamond hair crown and diamond necklace, and the magnificent diamond earrings and diamond ring complement each other. In the highest hall of film, Moussaieff added luster to Michelle Yeoh’s supreme honor in the film industry.

Diamond Hair Crown/Necklace

diamond earrings

diamond ring

Since the start of awards season, Michelle Yeoh has been on a tear. Successively won the National Board of Review Award for Best Actress, the American Film and Television Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Musical Comedy, the American Screen Actors Guild Award for Best Actress, and the American Film “Independent Spirit Award” for Best Leading Role, etc. Awards, this time I won the statuette as I wished, and finally drew a successful end to the months of running around.

About Musa Eve Jewelry

The Musaif family has been handed down from generation to generation in the field of gemstone trading and enjoys a high reputation. In 1963, Mushayve’s first store opened on Park Lane Avenue in London. In 2006, Mushayve’s high-end jewelry flagship store opened at 172 New Bond Street, London. The 1930’s Art Deco style design of the specialty store silently boasts an unparalleled collection of colored diamonds in the store. They are the best examples of the highest grade of diamonds of their kind, rare pure color, perfectly saturated color, beautiful cut, clarity and excellent Shine fire. Moussa-Eve jewelry features top-quality white diamonds weighing over 100 carats, or magnificent jewelry sets highlighting important gemstones, natural pearl earrings, rare Colombian emeralds, Burmese rubies and Sri Lankan sapphires. Moussa Eve jewelry has stores in Hong Kong Central and Geneva.


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