“Cute coffee” came to Jincheng and added a new Internet celebrity IP-Fashion Breath-Northern Network


Summary:At the moment when young people are the main force in the new consumption era, business scene IP has gradually become a popular marketing method. Recently, there have been many “cute coffee” coming to Tianjin, adding new activities for the multi-dimensional innovation and development of Tianjin’s business.

  Tianjin North Net News: With young people as the main force in the new consumption era, business scene IP has gradually become a popular marketing method. Recently, there have been many “cute coffee” coming to Tianjin, adding new activities for the multi-dimensional innovation and development of Tianjin’s business.

  “Favorite Dudu Bear” First Exhibition in Tianjin

The first exhibition of “Favorite Dudu Bear” in Tianjin was launched in Tianjin Shuangdian, Aegean Sea. The cute fan family that landed for the first time successfully rendered this Mother’s Day pink, and the huge super healing fan Dudu bear successfully attracted the attention of consumers in Jinmen, unlocking new trends with cute images and trendy interactive gameplay. Create the first new landmark where online celebrities check in in early summer in Jinmen.

The IP exhibition of “Fan Dudu Bear” is based on the theme of “Fantasy Journey of Dudu Bear”, and the main elements of “warmth” and “healing” run through the whole activity. The Hedong project has set up 3 popular check-in points: 10 meters in front of No. 1 gate, the image combination of the “bear-like bear” and the glass giant screen favorite fan Dudu bear are particularly eye-catching, becoming an outdoor iconic check-in spot; The check-in point of the giant cute bear combination of “There are bears and fua” which is 3 meters + 3 meters is the central scene for zero-distance interaction between consumers and cute bears; The naive attitude and unlimited interaction make the Aegean Sea in this early summer the warmest interactive space in Tianjin. The eco-city project chooses to set up a 100-meter giant check-in wall in the venue. Through the service desk and the atmosphere corridor in the venue, the whole project is decorated in pink and warm, deepening the project’s affinity for healing and rest. Consumers can experience the healing full of warmth and love in the Aegean Sea, soothe and relax the body and mind.

  KOORABBEE Kumitu IP Theme Exhibition

“Pink Love Allure” – KOORABBEE IP theme exhibition opened in Tianjin Hang Lung Plaza, this is also the first time for KOORABBEE to come to Tianjin, and the exhibition will last until May 31. The trendy IP exhibition KOORABBEE has been exhibited in many trendy art centers in Beijing and Shanghai, with more than one million fans. Super long ears—the power of infinite upward growth and endless vitality; cute teeth—confident, humorous and cute, and a beautiful smile that heals the soul; heart-shaped tail—the correct expression of “love”; KOORABBEE is a kind The soul messenger of temperature presents the living conditions and inner emotions of contemporary people. Each Ku.Mitu tells different emotional experiences behind it through the design of patterns and colors, some are happy and humorous, some are inspiring and healing, and some are classics.

   Invisible Paradise – Zen Cat Theme Art Exhibition

Trendy IP artist Hui Zi


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