Wanda Plaza X Meituan Food Delivery Tianjin 8 Wanda Plaza received tens of millions of exclusive subsidies for food delivery


Nowadays, with the gradual acceleration of the pace of life, the young group is affected by many factors such as the “stay at home” culture and the inability to cook, so takeaway has become a form of consumption that is generally accepted and recognized by the young group. In recent years, the scale of the food delivery market has expanded rapidly. In 2017, the market size exceeded 200 billion, and the number of online catering users officially exceeded 300 million. Indispensable way of life.

Under the guidance of the Tianjin Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Tianjin City Company of Wanda Commercial Management Group cooperated with the Meituan food delivery platform and organized 8 Wanda Plazas in Tianjin to jointly hold a consumption promotion activity with the theme of “Get Consumption Coupons on the Code”. Give full play to the advantages of technology retail enterprises in innovating consumption scenarios, improving consumption experience, and releasing consumption potential, so as to promote the continuous recovery and upgrading of consumption in Tianjin.

It is reported that this activity aims to stimulate consumption of Tianjin citizens, and is also one of the important measures to promote the development of the digital economy, so as to improve consumers’ shopping experience and satisfaction. Consumers only need to search for “Tianjin Consumer Coupons” through the Meituan Waimai APP or scan the QR code to receive a minimum of 10 consumption coupons, and a minimum coupon package of 71 yuan.

As a leading enterprise in Tianjin’s business district economy, Wanda Commercial Management Group Tianjin City Company has been committed to promoting the development and innovation of the business district economy. The cooperation with Meituan Food Delivery not only provides consumers with more convenient and affordable food, but also provides all-round support and assistance for catering merchants, which promotes the healthy development of the food delivery industry in Tianjin, and also provides merchants with More marketing opportunities and business interests, according to the relevant person in charge, the event will last until the end of May and is expected to attract a large number of consumers and businesses to participate.

Takeaway meets the consumption needs of consumers in different scenarios, and also creates employment opportunities for social idle labor. Generally speaking, the takeaway economy, as an emerging economy, is facing development under the background that the current state encourages the development of the life service industry. great time. Wanda Commercial Management Group Tianjin City Company will follow the national policy, continue to strengthen cooperation with the Meituan food delivery platform, launch more promotional activities and services that benefit the people, actively promote the development of Tianjin’s digital economy, and create a smarter and more convenient delivery service. urban life.

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