4 times more than the second place! Haier multi-door refrigerator ranks TOP1 in many European countries


In the process of globalization, Haier Zhijia, which insists on independent brand creation, continues to achieve market leadership in various regions. According to European information in February, Haier’s multi-door refrigerators ranked TOP1 in the market in Italy, Germany, Spain and other countries, and their shares exceeded 40%. Among them, in Germany, the share of Haier multi-door refrigerators is more than 4 times that of the second place.

There are many brands in the European market, and Haier’s multi-door refrigerators are able to take the lead, which is the result of continuously meeting the differentiated needs of users with innovative products. Most European users are tall, and most families have the need to stock up on seafood. When buying refrigerators, local users prefer to buy large-capacity refrigerators that are easy to extract and have a good fresh-keeping effect. In response to this demand, Haier Smart Home has launched differentiated new products such as 2-meter-high three-door refrigerators and large-capacity full-space fresh-keeping refrigerators in many places in Europe to improve its own competitive advantages. Among them, the width of the 2-meter-high refrigerator is only 700mm, which is not only convenient to take ingredients, but also has a large capacity and a small footprint, which can meet the needs of local people for stocking; The technology can extend the freezing and fresh-keeping time of seafood and vegetables to twice as long, which meets the needs of users for healthy and fresh storage in all spaces.

While meeting the differentiated needs of users with innovative products, Haier Europe also cooperates with local mainstream channels to enhance channel competitiveness and drive sales growth. On the one hand, Haier Europe provides a place for users to experience refrigerator technology and scenes up close by setting up brand display areas in mainstream channels and increasing store-in-store measures. On the other hand, Haier Europe also opened up offline channels through special new products to provide assistance for the growth of market share. Among them, in Eastern Europe, Haier Zhijia exclusively provided the new 700BM product with a black appearance for the M channel, and 171 stores made samples, doubling its sales share.

At the same time, the Haier European team also combined food programs, KOL, social media, etc. to conduct key evaluations and promotions on the functions of new refrigerators, so as to increase users’ understanding of the products and further enhance brand influence. Well-known bartenders use Haier refrigerators to make pure ice bartenders, which not only allows users to learn the skills of making ice cubes, but also gives them an in-depth understanding of Haier refrigerators’ clean ice technology and independent ice-making module functions.

In addition to leading the market, Haier refrigerators have also been recognized by authoritative organizations by virtue of technology and scene advantages. In Spain, Haier refrigerator was named the best refrigerator in 2022 by the local technology website “TUEXPERTO”, becoming the only Chinese brand that won the award; in the UK, Haier 7 series refrigerators won the IER2022 Large Appliance Technology Innovation Award; in Eastern Europe, 185 high 4 series Combi was highly recommended by the E channel, and received 5 points of praise online.

The achievements of Haier’s multi-door refrigerators in Europe are the epitome of Haier Zhijia’s globalization achievements. In the future, Haier Smart Home will also take root in user needs, continue to open up growth space in overseas markets, and accelerate the full implementation of globalization achievements through innovative products, perfect channel layout, innovative interactive methods and other measures.


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