“Super Chinese Language Class” Experience the Three Kingdoms Northern Expedition plank road, passionate frontier fortress, and feel the feelings of family and country


  The second phase of the third season of Shandong Satellite TV’s “Super Chinese Class”, the country’s first major Chinese open class program“A Very Lesson”, April 13Japan (this Saturday)20:30Continue to take you into the beautiful China!This periodThe teachers of the teaching and research team of “Shan Gao Yue Primary School” applied to participate in the competition to bring wonderful Chinese language activity practice classes to the students! They are Teacher Wei Jie, who has been teaching for 20 years and loves poetry culture; Hu Dan, the “super teacher” who received full votes in the first stage of “Professional Lesson” and was praised by his opponents; and Hu Dan, who uses rational thinking to touch emotional words. Ma Jianjun, a young teacher, and Ni Wentao, a famous Shanghai teacher who is obsessed with Chinese teaching and is known as the “crazy teacher” in the classroom. Feel the words, walk on the road, and listen to the beautiful mountains and rivers in the Chinese textbooks they bring!

  Immersive experience of the Three Kingdoms Northern Expedition Plank Road Entering Chengdu’s humanities full of ancient charm

  There are traces of history hidden everywhere in the city, and every bit of the dialect is full of humanistic sentiments.let us walk in together“Big Chinese” explores the historical memories and emotions hidden in the city.

  The first is “Start by Borrowing Arrows from a Straw Boat” presented by Teacher Wei Jie.Teacher Wei Jie asked the students to fill in adverbs based on the situation when Zhuge Liang was talking to everyone.,In this way, students can deepen their understanding of the text and then ask questions.“Why is Zhuge Liang’s expression not described in “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”?” This caused everyone to think. She also “explicitly repaired” the plank road, allowing students to push carts onto the plank road to immerse themselves in the difficult situation of Zhuge Liang’s Northern Expedition during the Three Kingdoms period. The students liked this novel experiential teaching very much.

  Hu Dan, a teacher from Chengdu No. 7 Middle School, led the students to experience “The Two-way Rush between City and People” in Chengdu dialect.interesting dialect andWhat kind of humanistic sentiments do the words “sleep” and “eat” reflect in Chengdu? Entering Du Fu’s Chengdu, why can Du Fu write Chengdu so beautifully? There is a city in everyone’s heart. In what ways is the two-way rush between the city and people reflected? Let’s look for answers to these questions in the feature film!

  Feel the feelings of home and country in the passionate frontier fortress Travel around the beautiful Dunhuang in a circle of friends style

  Ma Jianjun, a young teacher in 1999, used the Chinese language method of “splitting words to decipher words” to lead students to redefine Xinjiang and understand Xinjiang’s “past and present”. And with “Border Fortress Poetry” as the main content, he gave an in-depth explanation of “Bian Feng Qianqiu Poetry Rhymes”. What kind of national spirit did “Xinjiang”, which has been a frontier fortress since ancient times, give the poet? What kind of feelings about family and country can we feel in it? What other stories are happening in Xinjiang today? I believe this class will definitely touch the strong national complex among the students!

  Finally, there is “Beautiful Mountains and Rivers” presented by the famous Shanghai teacher Ni Wentao.Teacher Ni led the students to create a circle of friends“Tour” Dunhuang, Mingsha Mountain, Crescent Moon Spring, Mogao Grottoes, Yumen Pass and many other scenic spots are waiting for everyone to unlock! How to make our circle of friends no longer the same? How to write emotional and personal copy for Moments? Enter the feature film class, and teacher Ni Wentao will help you learn and play at the same time!

  Shandong Satellite TV’s “Super Chinese Class” Season 3, every SaturdayBroadcast on Shandong Satellite TV at 20:30. When we meet good teachers and discover good classrooms, let us enjoy the beautiful mountains and rivers in Chinese and feel the charm of “big Chinese”!


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