Man in Wenzhou buys and processes waste oil and supplies 5 tons to fried dough stick stalls in 3 years (Photos)

Man in Wenzhou buys and processes waste oil and supplies 5 tons to fried dough stick stalls in 3 years (Photos)


Original title: Wenzhou man purchased and processed gutter oil and supplied 5 tons to fried dough stick stalls in 3 years (Photos)

Pictured: The waste oil seized by the police.Photo courtesy of Cangnan Police

China News Service, Wenzhou, June 3rd (trainee reporter Wang Gang and correspondent Lin Ye) In order to seek huge profits, Jiang, a man in Cangnan, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, and others bought gutter oil and processed it into edible oil. The 5 tons of oil products were sold to multiple fried dough stick stalls. I thought that the sales in neighboring counties would not be easy to be discovered. Six production and processing dens were destroyed by the local police, and 11 criminal suspects including Jiang were arrested.

The 53-year-old Zhang is from Jiangxi. Ten years ago, he moved from his hometown to Aojiang Town, Pingyang County to make a living and started a fried dough stick business. In early December 2016, a man came to his stall to sell oil and offered a cheap price. Under Zhang Mou’s heart, he decided to try it first. Two days later, the driver delivered three barrels of oil, each weighing nearly 100 jin. After Zhang used the batch of oil, he found that the oil was not good, but he still used up all three barrels of oil.

Pictured: The fried dough sticks stand.Photo courtesy of Cangnan Police

After the staff of the local market supervision and management bureau seized the processing point for the production and processing of waste oil, they immediately transferred the case to the Cangnan County Public Security Bureau. After overnight visits and investigations by the police, it was confirmed that the processing site was owned by Jiang. Subsequently, 11 people including Jiang, Zhuang who was in charge of transporting the waste oil, and Zhang who bought the waste oil were arrested, and all the oil refining tools in the processing den were destroyed.

After interrogation, Jiang (41 years old, from Cangnan) and others confessed to the facts committed.

According to his account, in June 2014, he met Xiang, a woman from the next village by chance. Xiang was in the business of buying gutter oil, and she processed the gutter oil to produce soap and other items.

When Jiang learned that the purchase price of a barrel of waste oil was 0.8 yuan (RMB, the same below) per catty, he thought it was an opportunity to make money. On the pretext of helping to collect waste oil, he obtained a copy of the qualification materials for purchasing waste oil from Xiang somewhere.

Pictured: Fried fritters made with processed gutter oil.Photo courtesy of Cangnan Police

Subsequently, Jiang began to buy gutter oil from various food processing factories at a price of 0.8 to 1.7 yuan per catty, reprocessed the oil after receiving it, and sold it at a price of 3.8 yuan per catty.

From June 2014 to the present, Jiang received nearly 5 kilograms of waste oil every month, of which 2 kilograms were sold to Xiang, and the remaining 3,000 kilograms were processed and sent to Aojiang Town, Pingyang County, etc. by Zhuang. Customers who sell fritters.

Now Jiang and 11 people have been taken criminal coercive measures by the Cangnan police for the crime of producing and selling poisonous and harmful food, and the case is under further trial.Return to Sohu to see more


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