[full of energy]The idea of ​​health preservation in “The Analects of Confucius”

[full of energy]The idea of ​​health preservation in “The Analects of Confucius”


“The Analects of Confucius” is a classic work that records Confucius’ thoughts, words and deeds, and contains rich insights and propositions on health preservation.

His incisive insights into health preservation have an important connection with the traditional Chinese medicine thought system of health preservation and have had a positive and far-reaching impact.

His health-preserving thoughts can be summarized as “valuing life”, “careful about illness”, “fitness”, “pleasure”, “nourishing nature” and so on.

Preserving lives is the top priority

The starting point of the idea of ​​health preservation in “The Analects of Confucius” is to cherish the value of life, that is, “valuing life”. Confucius regarded life as a carrier to realize ideals, and affirmed the significance of human existence and the preciousness of life, and human life should be nursed and protected.

“Don’t enter a dangerous state, and don’t live in a chaotic state. If there is a way in the world, you will see it, and if there is no way, you will hide.” There is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices, and saving lives is the top priority.

“Zizhi is cautious: Qi, war, and disease.” Comparing “serious disease” with sacrifices and wars, it can be seen that Confucius attached great importance to the thought of “serious disease”. Confucius was extremely cautious in diet and daily life. In order to avoid the invasion of diseases, he paid great attention to health care in daily life, and advocated a moderate diet and regular daily life.

“Never tire of fine food, never tire of delicate food” refers to the careful selection of food; “Never sleep without a dead body, and do not tolerate housing” refers to the calmness and comfort in daily life. From the reasonable planning in daily life, we can understand the true portrayal of Confucius traveling all over the world and maintaining a strong body.

Confucius advocated learning the six arts, including “shooting” and “imperialism”, which are related to “health”. The “Bayi” chapter records the relevant situation of the six arts, and believes that the function of archery is to strengthen the body and cultivate one’s morality, not to compete in combat. The traditional Chinese health-preserving exercises we are inheriting now, such as the Health Qigong series of exercises such as Liuzijue, Baduanjin, Yijinjing, Wuqinxi, etc., are positive manifestations of “fitness”.

Constantly improve one’s own mind

The content of Confucius’ life education is summarized by the six arts, among which ritual, music, and books account for half. The people of the whole country must read poetry, know etiquette, and learn music, as important content for individuals to conduct themselves in the world. The enlightenment of thoughts starts from poetry, then is based on rituals, and finally is realized through music, and finally achieves the effect of self-cultivation and moral cultivation.

Modern research everywhere proves that pleasurable activities play an important role in improving human health.

“Nurture” is to focus on the cultivation of psychological and moral character. Self-cultivation and self-cultivation are a gradual process, and it requires a state of moistening things silently. By seeing the virtuous and thinking about the same, and seeing the unvirtuous and introspecting, constantly improve one’s own character, and pay attention to the cultivation of inner morality.

Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Physicians and Acupuncture and Moxibustion Malaysia (Medical Federation)
Registered member Dr. Chen Guoqiang


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